Sickness is a mysterious thing

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Hey guys... I'm sorry for not being active, I took a bit of a break due to personal issues but I'm back with another story.
In this story, all the boys get sick and look after eachother. Hope you enjoy!
(Liam's POV)
We all got back to the bus after an exhausting, busy day of interviews and a concert. As soon as we got in, I noticed I felt off. I couldn't exactly tell what was wrong with me but I knew I wasn't feeling right. Shortly after we all decide to go to bed as we have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow. Not long after saying goodnight to the boys, I crashed on my bed and fell asleep.
Liam awoke, he was confused as his alarm hadn't gone off yet and it was still dark outside. It was complete silence in the bus, he looked around to see everyone still sleeping peacefully. Bit strange he thought, he checked his phone only to see it was 2am. Why was he up at this hour in the morning? He asked himself. Not long after he realised why, he was experiencing sharp pains in the centre of his stomach and he felt a headache growing. Now to mention it, he was feeling nauseous. He jumped out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom holding his stomach, he kneeled down in front of the toilet and started heaving until he brought up a small amount of vomit.
(Harry's POV)
I woke up to noises from the bathroom, it sounded like someone puking. I checked my phone, it was 2:30am. I got myself out of bed and walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door.
"Hello?" Harry said knocking on the door
"H...Harry" Liam replied before gagging again
"Liam? Are you okay?" Harry asked worriedly
"N...No" Liam sobbed
"Can I come in li?" Harry asked
"Y..yeah" Liam replied
(Harry's POV)
I walked in the bathroom to see Liam knelt on the floor with his head down the toilet throwing up. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his forehead. I knew for sure he had a fever with that heat radiating off of him onto my hand.
"How long have you felt like this for?" Harry asked
"Since last night before going to bed" liam replied with his head in his hands
"Why didn't you say anything li?" Harry asked
"I didn't feel as bad then, I woke up feeling worse about an hour ago" Liam said sobbing harder
"Shhh it's okay, do you want to go sleep on the couch?" Harry asked while helping Liam off the floor
"Yeah" Liam said nodding
Harry helped Liam walk to the couch carrying most of his body weight. He placed Liam on the couch and went to get him a bucket and some medicine to help his stomach and his head. Not long after, Liam was sound asleep. Harry went over to the other couch and fell asleep shortly after.

(Harry's POV)
I woke up at 7am to my alarm going off. I glanced over at Liam who was still out cold. I decided to go wake the boys then get breakfast started.
"Lads, wake up!" I called out to them
Niall and Zayn got up and all I got was a groan from Louis. I went down to the kitchen to make breakfast when the boys all came down.
"Morning haz" Niall said happily
"Morning Ni" I replied back to him
"Why's Liam sleeping on the sofa?" Zayn asked
"He's sick" I replied
"Oh no, what about the interviews and concert?" Niall asked
"I don't know, he was throwing up a while ago. I just hope he improves before then" I said
Just then Louis came in rubbing his eyes
"Morning Lou" I said looking at him
"Morning" Louis replied back to me
Once I finished cooking breakfast, I put it on the plates and handed it to the boys.
(Louis POV)
I woke up with this painful ache in my head and bad stomach pains and it's making me feel super nauseous. I'm not usually one for admitting I'm sick but i think it's better to say something rather than hiding it.
"Haz.." Louis called
"You okay?" Haz said whilst looking at him
"I don't feel well" Louis said with a tear in his eye
"Oh no.. what's wrong?" Harry asked worriedly
"My head and stomach hurts and I feel sick" Louis said beginning to cry
"Awh Lou, you feel like you've got a fever" Niall said with a hand on my forehead
"Ni..." Louis whined
"What's up?" Niall asked
"I think I'm gonna be sick" I said standing up quickly
"Shit, get to the sink" Niall said in a panic
Louis leaned over the sink retching until he bought up everything he ate in the last 24 hours. The sound of vomiting woke Liam up.
"Hazzzz" Liam called
"What's up li?" Harry said rushing to him
"I think I'm gon..." Liam managed to say before puking down his front
"Fuck" Harry cursed
"I'm..s...sorry" Liam said beginning to cry
"Shhhh it's okay, we'll get you cleaned up" Harry said
Harry got Liam all cleaned up and showered while Niall attended to Louis as he can't go more than 20 minutes without throwing up. Harry sets Liam back down on the sofa while Niall sets Louis back in his bed.
(Harry's POV)
Once Liam and Louis are settled and asleep I decide to go call management to get thé interviews and concert rescheduled.
"Hi, it's Harry"
"Hello Harry, what can I do for you?"
"Would it be possible to reschedule the interviews and concert?"
"And why's that?"
"Louis and Liam are really sick. Louis can't go more than 20 minutes without throwing up and Liam can't even stand or sit up on his own"
"I'm sorry harry but no can do"
"But the won't be able to do it!"
"Harry they can't miss the interviews or the concert"
———————End of call——————
"What did management say?" Zayn asked
"They said they have to be in but I said they won't be in and just ended the call" Harry replied
"Good" Zayn said
"You okay Ni?" Zayn asked
"Y...yeah" Niall said
"Your very quiet and you look quite pale" Harry said
"Uh... I don't know" Niall said
"What'd you mean Ni?" Harry asked
"I feel sick..." Niall said
"Oh no, think your gonna be sick?" Zayn asked worriedly
"Mhm" Niall mumbled panicking
"Shit" Zayn cursed shoving a bucket under his chin
"Nooo"Niall whined
"Come on Ni, it will make you feel better" Zayn said rubbing his back
"I don't like it" Niall whined before gagging
"That's it Ni, come on" Zayn said comforting him
Eventually Niall started throwing up into the bucket, heave after heave. Niall hates vomit, he always freaks out over it whether it's him who's sick or someone else. He doesn't like it at all.
So that's the end of this part... I will make a part 2 as soon as I can. Sorry if it's bad lmao

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