Sick but no one believes him (Niall)

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(Niall's POV)
I woke up at 3AM this morning feeling uneasy. My stomach was aching and I felt a headache growing. All of a sudden I got a wave of nausea. I sluggishly crawled out of bed and rapidly made my way to the bathroom, I sat I front of the toilet bowl. Within seconds the contents in my stomach made its way up my throat into the toilet. Great, just great. There's no way the boys would believe me cause we've just had a week off due to Zayn having the stomach flu. I knew for sure they would think I'm faking just to get out of the concert we have today.  When I was done, I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth to get the taste out of my mouth and made my way back to bed almost immediately falling asleep.

*The next morning*

"NIALL GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED" I heard a voice shout, that sounded like Louis'
I checked my phone clock, it was 12PM.
Shit, we have to be at the studio in an hour.
I crawled out of bed getting another wave of nausea come across me. I quickly ran to the bathroom before my stomach contents appears on my bedroom floor. As soon as my knees hit the bathroom floor, yet again my stomach contents appeared into the toilet. Once I was done I quickly got in the shower and got dressed. I made my way to the kitchen to where the boys were.

"Morning sleepyhead!" I heard a voice behind me, it was Liam
"Sit down Ni, I saved you some breakfast" Said Louis

My stomach lurched to the thought of food, I felt like utter shit so the only option is to tell someone how I'm feeling.

"No thanks Lou, I dont feel good" Niall replied sadly
"Give it a rest Ni, we know your faking" Said Louis angrily
"Yea, we already had a week off because zayn was sick" Said a grumpy Harry
"But guys...." Niall said but was interrupted by harry
"Just stop it! Your fine!"
"But I threw up twice!" Niall replied wanting to cry

Niall got up from the table and walked into the lounge with tears running down his cheeks 'why didn't they believe me?' He thought to himself. He heard footsteps coming towards him so he quickly wiped his face.

"Get your shoes on Ni, before we're late" Liam demanded

(Liam's POV)
Ugh. What was that boy thinking? Faking sick after a week off? Lazy, just pure laziness. He just wants the attention Zayn got when he was sick. Well we're not falling for it!

The boys all squeezed into the car and made their way to the studio as their concert is at 1PM. Niall's stomach was feeling uneasy, his small headache was progressing into a migraine. He already knew this concert wasn't gonna go down great.

They arrive at the studio, 1 by 1 they all went to get their hair and makeup done by Lou (their makeup artist)
Eventually it was Niall's turn to have his hair and makeup done. He stumbled his way over and sat down in the chair.
"Niall?" You okay?" Asked Lou
"I..." before Niall could reply he was interrupted by Louis
"Just leave him Lou... he's faking sick" Louis replied moodily
"But Lou..." Niall whined
"We're not giving in Niall, your fine!" Zayn Replied

Finally Niall was done with his hair and makeup, they all made their way on stage. Liam and Harry both have an introduction. Their first song was 'Little Things'. The boys all sang their parts. Niall started getting lightheaded so he sat down for a minute.
"Stand up!" Louis Mouthed
The others just rolled their eyes and continued singing. Once it got to his solo he started singing not knowing how it was gonna go...
"You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you..." he sang before he stopped
He got glances from the other boys before Louis carried on with the rest of Niall's solo. Niall suddenly got a wave of nausea. He got up and made his was towards backstage until he was stopped by security.
"Get back out there Niall.. " said the security man
"But.." Niall managed to get out before he was on his knees and sick started streaming out of his mouth onto the floor of the stage.

All the boys just glanced in shock and immediately ran over to see if Niall was okay

(Zayn's POV)
'Shit' I thought to myself. Niall really was sick. I saw him trying to leave stage until security stopped him, I thought it was to just get out of the concert. But then I glanced back over to Niall and saw him on his knees puking. Shit, I felt so bad. I went over to Liam and whispers in his ear to inform him about Niall. Harry announced to the audience that we would have to finish early due to Niall's conditions. We immediately ran over to him.

"Shit" Liam cursed "you really are sick Ni"
"Im so sorry Ni" Said Louis apologetic "let's get you off the stage"

The boys helped Niall off stage and  Liam went to find Paul to inform him, 5 minutes later Liam returned with Paul

"Hey Ni, how you feeling bud?" Paul said sympathetic
"Nauseous" Replied Niall with tears down his cheeks
"Im sorry bud" said Paul "right boys get him home and have the next week off for him to recover"
"Thanks Paul" said Liam "I'm really sorry for not believing you Ni "
"Me to" said Louis ashamed
"C'mon Ni let's get you to the bus" said Zayn

The boys practically carried Niall to the bus, they felt so bad for not believing him. They took care of him for the next week until he was completely better... they promised next time Niall said he's sick they sure will believe him!

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