The dreaded sickness... Part 2

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No one POV
It's been 2 days since Niall and Zayn got sick. Them 2 days were filled with vomit and the rest of the boys running back and forth taking care of Niall and Zayn and they were exhausted.
Louis POV
I woke up to the house completely silent and darkness outside. Strange, I thought. I looked at my clock to see it's only 3AM. I didn't know why I was awake at this time. But then it all hit me... as soon as I sat up I felt a sharp pain in the centre of my stomach which made me feel rather Nauseous. I really hope I wasn't getting sick. I hate being sick, my worst fear is throwing up. I started feeling worse over time so I decided to go to Liam.
"Li...Li...Liammm" i whined as shaking him
"What is it Lou?" He said rubbing his eyes
"I don't feel very well" I muttered
"Oh Lou... what's bothering you?" He asked
"My stomach... it feels like I'm being stabbed and I feel sick" i said
"Oh Lou, I'm sorry your sick" Liam said
All of a sudden I was hit with a wave of nausea and I suddenly gagged which caught Liam's attention
"Quick, to the bathroom Lou!" Liam panicked
Unfortunately I didn't make it in time, vomit seeped through my fingers onto the carpet outside the bedroom
"I...I'm" I said bursting into tears
"Lou it's okay, you tried to make it to the bathroom" Liam reassured
"What's going on—" harry asked while walking into the hall way "oh Lou not you to"
I just started to panic and cry even harder... I felt quite shaken up by the whole situation.
"Shhh it's okay Lou, let's get you back to bed and I'll clean this up" harry said
Liam led me back to bed, harry bought me a bucket and an ice cold bottle of water. Harry then went to scrub the mess off the carpet that I created.
Liam's POV
As soon as I got Louis back to sleep, I walked out of his room and I heard vomiting from down the hall way. I ran down the hall way to Niall's room, I walked in to see Niall in tears sitting up in his now vomit covered bed.
"I...I'm sorry... I.. couldn't... make it" he cried out
"Shhh it's okay Ni, accidents happen. Let's get you cleaned up" I reassured him
I ran the shower for Niall to get in while I cleaned up his bed. I stripped his bed and put new covers and sheets on and put the dirty sheets in the washing machine. As soon as Niall finished in the shower, I helped him get dressed as he could barely stand himself up. As soon as he's in some clean pyjamas I get him settled back in bed and almost instantly, he falls asleep.
Finally I thought, the house was at last silent, I thought I'd take that time to try get some more sleep...
So here's part 2... I'm sorry it's so short but part 3 will hopefully ne out tomorrow!🫶🏼

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