DAY TWO - The Curse

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Gossip pours out of their faces,
Why not words of affection and praise?
Their words bleed like dark ink on pages
It's not gossip it's merely giving information
they scoff at people,
plastic girls in perfect patterns and formation
Brainwashed, they only recycle the words of those who they idolize
Their peers look at them
What if we were all equal? they fantasize
They spit spite faster than praise
Maybe if you lost a few pounds...
Their words don't merely graze,
they impale.

"All bullies are hurt inside"
All bullies are hurt inside.
The words of our disregarding superiors fill in from the outside
Their hearts are broken
Is that why they feel the need to hurt us?
Because their hearts remain unspoken.

Before the era of radiating toxicity, our minds saddened...
Whenever we were told we had to sleep early.
Whenever we had to leave the small brightly coloured playgrounds where our hours would fly by.
But now, we jump into our beds eagerly.
We have no need for the brightly coloured playground
We have infinite amount of mind numbing content at our disposal
A fair ground...
of diminishing attention span.

It's not our fault our generation is like this.
We are the generation of stubborn children who never learned to grow up
Our responsibility free years, we miss.
This is the curse of Generation Z.

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