DAY FIVE - Childhood Bestfriend

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You still look the same
Your olive tint
The hazel glint,
which rested in your eyes
but now you're complaining about your thighs

Plumping lipglosses you advertise
but your lips were already perfect
My eyes amortize
What happened to the girl I knew
The girl which ran through the rain
The curse of growing up is all too true

Stanzas I write upset by the fact
We're all growing up,
My mind profound and abstract
Your mind forgetful and glad
The pajama pants you'd wear
shined red and pattern rested in plaid.
What happened to pajama day?
Our innocent laughs echoed through the walls
The laughs I yearn to replay.

You're still the same girl
The same girl I called my pearl
The same girl I spent almost every waking hour with
We'll never grow distant, a waking myth
It's not like we never talk
but we no longer walk.
Walk hand in hand down the course gravel land
How we talked for hours and hours, hard to understand.

I blame only myself
maybe if I'd stayed by her side, maybe if I hadn't left that country side, maybe if...
Maybe if we had the wealth
The wealth to stay
The wealth to prosper
But maybe that day
That day was just the way
The way it had to end
My dear childhood best friend

PoetryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon