DAY ELEVEN - The Bind of The Birds

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White like the clouds, fluffy and innocent
The clouds which the wind blows
White like the snows
the snows which rest on the mountain sides
White like the tissues crumpled with sorrow
The tissues which rest on her bedsides

Tears fall from her azure eyes
Drips, drips, drips
Her fragile heart tears
Rips, rips, rips
Her words stumble over each other
Trips, trips, trips

Time heals all wounds
but some, some scar
Scars don't just fade they leave hearts far
far from their innocence, far from their purity.
Their harsh severity
Their hurtful words
They fly around her like a flock of white birds
Overwhelmed and unaware of the birds she distracts her mind
She distracts herself in attempts to break the bind
The bind of the birds.

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