DAY SIX - Baggy Clothes

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You wear baggy clothes to hide your figure
You've always been bigger,
bigger than the girls in the pictures
The pictures that fill you with envy
Skinny but still curvy
Curvy but still mini

Miniature girls told they have to look a certain way
but who's going to be there on that day
that day when they think starving is the only option
They sew their mouths shut disregarding caution
We sit there and watch them diminish
Watch them crumble for thinness

The media makes you think being thin is equivalent to beauty
To make girls doubt their own bodies is their sworn duty
We're all beautiful inside
Why can't we all be beautiful on the outside?
Glasses of cold water and chewing gum resting on her bedside.

10 Tips to Lose Weight
Easy Workout to Lose 20 kg in One Month!!!!
Why are girls over 40 kg are inherently ugly???
Titles of the articles we eagerly click
How to lose weight quick??
We type into the search bars
Cliche but true, we all shine like stars
but stars die as well
Supernovas with human bones
but you can't cover a supernova
with baggy clothes

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