DAY SEVEN - The Pain of The Poet

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A golden fountain pen
The black ink that bleeds out
A Sheep pushed into it's pen
It's eyes glimmering as they peer out
Except there is no life outside of the page
Accept that nothing we do will change the cage

Speckles in the infinite universe, minute
Poems our tears fall into
Their meanings, minute
References to our childhoods, allusions
The prospects of happy futures, illusions

We pour our feelings into poems and chords
Wrapping around our necks the cords
The ceiling collapses over us
The sealing of our mouths
But they can not seal our hands
They elicit our feelings
and call them illicit

Poets use their homonyms and synonyms
She swims
He swims
We all swim against the unavoidable tide
Our hands they tied
They can't take our creativity right?
Why does it matter just write
Keep writing even if you're drowning
Oh lonely poet keep counting
Counting the days till the end
Just pretend poor peaceful poet

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