DAY TWELVE - Charismatic Atagonist

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The tool every writer needs
The pen pleads but in this world of infinite thoughts
Maybe some of the characters and ideas will send you across
The loss of patience, the loss of hope
Life is nothing but a slippery slope, the characters we write reflect that
In the back of our minds the characters sat, waiting to be released
Now they're unleashed, the evil and the good
Those who feel and those who think

The scrawled on jet black, ink
The pages at the brink, of falling apart
They ripped out my heart, it rests on the paper
I made her, now I must break her
I must escape her, yearning to come alive
To let her thrive, in my mind
Her personality I designed, the psychoanalyst
Maybe she was just a catalyst,
maybe all I am is
the charismatic antagonist.

A/N: sorry it's short today was my first day back at school and I'm so unbelievably exhausted

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