4: I am The Brightest Fragment

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From the three days that his soul has resided on earth, Antares gathered a few concepts about this race.

Humans love beautiful things.

And two of those concepts were foreign to him.

He understood the basics of their beginning though.

Humans are an evolutionary animal, as well as most of the things on this planet. They have not gathered the means to become powerful or intelligent through their interference with mana. However all conscious beings have to give even the tiniest sense of magic in order to be alive. That was how every other extraterrestrial appeared after all.

That being said, it doesn't mean that the mana they had before to give them life, lingers anymore. The only evidence for them is the fact that they think , imagine and that most of their surviving tales about the past tend to center around monsters, ones that they could have only known through outside interaction.

Why yes, a lot of the depictions of supernatural beings are based upon imagination alone. But there are also some patterns that exist within its paintings, those being the "dragons" and "demons" that appeared in popular media today. After a lot of mixed interpretations over the years that is.

As for how he got to know all these things in just a few days? Nay, literally hours?

Well, let's just say Bixby and Naver Clover are the only machines surviving this Apocalypse.

However, as surprising as it was for him to know so many things (and for the rest of the common plebeians to have access to such a vast amount of knowledge) there were still some concepts that, despite hundreds of years of history in their belt, no one could give him a clear picture of what they meant unless someone was... Human, per say.

Millions of characters, thousands of words, eons of pictures, but none would be enough to describe Beauty and Love.

The ringing of his phone broke out the conversation he had in the middle of the day with the AI's beside his desk (said conversation started after leaving Ju-Hee again in the hospital and repairing the bathroom mirror else the grandpa would keep nagging him about it). On the screen was an unknown number written at the top. It was customary to ignore it, but there was also this "gut-feeling" that his human vessel had which advised him to answer it. So he did.

"Mr Lee Kang-Dae." The sound of a small young man, maybe about his mid twenties, spoke through the other side of the call. "Excuse me for interrupting but the Chairman of the Korean Hunter's Association requests your presence at the Headquarters. If you could please be so kind to report us your location then we will personally drive you to the meeting-"

"No need."

By the time he already clicked the red button, he was already out the door and with a small frown on his face. The world around him moved so slow, despite the pacing of the people everywhere. Everything was just never at the speed of which his own world worked. He also couldn't extend his wings too much else he would draw attraction from the Rulers. So if there was a small gap in his time where he could stretch this feeble body of his then he would take it. Things like that are the reasons why he didn't always take the role as a spy or any kind of infiltration during the wars between the Rulers. Sometimes it could be useful, sometimes it bothered him to more than extent just how little the organisms did in order to survive. On top of that, they contributed nothing to the workings of the universe, yet were still protected by 7 of the most powerful beings that could ever exist.

They don't even know they are being protected. They don't know what lies ahead of their world. They don't know they've died so many times. They don't know what kind of war they have gotten wrapped into.

Oh, The Misery //Solo Leveling// Sung Jin Woo x AntaresDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora