13: I am speed >:3

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"I think it's time for me to finally retire."

The prince stopped in his tracks, his eyes half bored and uninterested at what the elder woman had to say. Nonetheless he still listened. Even commenting his thoughts when the old priest kept her silence for an awkward amount of time.

"Haven't you said that five times this week?" 

"I have, dear, my age has faded but not my intrepid, cursed memory." 

The prince stopped looking at the books at hand and smiled instead. "So do it. Unlike every dragon in the bloody history of our kind, you can actually pass away on your deathbed." Like a coward. He mumbled

Lightning erupted from the widened sleeves of the monster priest. "And leave without an heir to the empire? I rather die in the most gruesome death, than think of you or any other being as capable enough to rule what the last Emperor has left behind. Else may it all rot into corpses and the only thing left behind is nothing but wretched useless dragons from the likes of you." She soon got up from that stubby old chair, walking with old scaled feet and a ceremonial dress burned at the end of the hems. 

When she finally closed the door is when the prince threw out his book and burned the place up in flames. The priest cared not for such tantrums as the floors melted and the walls turned to dust. 

Although one being did, in a different way. He looked on to the fire around it and the way it burned every being in its vicinity. Without even thinking about it, he grabbed the fruits by his hand, stole them in the garden outside of such a luxurious castle, and snuck away with the scattered smoke. 

This time, the priest's eyes followed something, a red streak of hair, ruby crimson filled with dirt and ash, the most vibrant color of blood filled with the mud of the earth. Like the soldiers' wounds in the battlefield, a dragon's carcass laying deep for mother nature and its worms to feed on it. 

The only thing was that it happened to be alive and kicking. Alive and stealing.

And the priest glared back.


"After this raid, I think I will retire." 

Kang-Dae turned to the side with an indifferent look on his face. "You've said it last week." He said as he went back to watching a k-drama series on the couch. 

"I know… I know ." She looked at the hunter card on her wallet, quietly sitting down in the chair, placing her hands on the old table where they've eaten ever since they were kids. Her hunter ID showed her photo from when she had just recently gotten out of school. A 19 year old with a shy but excited smile. Nowadays she can hardly get herself to think of any happy thoughts when the topic of hunting is brought up. It's getting better, and it's not like she has lost the very reason to be happy, but it's not the ear-wide grin she used to have.

"I just need to check up on someone and then… then I'll leave." 

The older one got up from the couch, something in his body being alarmed as she said that. Gut feeling? Was it called that? When something wrong was about to happen? And wasn't it all superstition? 

Whoever it was if the human body had been alerted then he couldn't just wave it off.

Unfortunately, a message popped up at the top of his head that made him hesitate.

[A new Player has been found.]

[A foreign entity has been found.]

[A foreign entity has been found.] 

Two enemies and one possible Monarch had come from who knows where and decided to finally make their presence known to the System. 

Oh, The Misery //Solo Leveling// Sung Jin Woo x AntaresWhere stories live. Discover now