Chapter 13 : memories

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After 2 years both jake and jiwoo didn't meet up or heard about each other

He decided to continue his job as middle school teacher in the small home town

he didn't heard anything new about jiwoo or her family for 2 years

he still do his usual work out early in morning passing by her house bring him so many memories

" strawberry milk " always remind him of her he missed her a lot

he didn't look of her as he promise to not

Flashback to the last time they met

After she kissed him she looked at him his eyes were tearing

" I'm sorry " she said that after wiping his tears and smiled to him

" don't leave " he said his tears are getting heavier the first time he isn't smiling to her back

" I can't " She tried to hold her tears by looking at him crying

" why you need to leave stay with me " he said after holding her hands

" can you promise me to not look for me after I leave " she said that making him looking at her with bit shock in his face not expecting that

He didn't say anything he just moved his hands from hers and shook his face as no

" please I know it hard but if you love me don't do it " she said holding his hands again

He stayed silence for a bit then he fixed his eyes on her he nodded with his head making her smile

she hugged him for the last time before leaving without looking back

End of flashback

Jake was sitting at the convenience store where he used to sit next to jiwoo

He was drinking his chocolate milk while looking at the people outside

He notice someone outside looked similar very similar to jiwoo with no hesitation he left the store so fast

He run to the girl and grabbed her arm but when she turned around it wasn't jiwoo

He apologised to the girl for mistaking her for someone else

he turned around to go back to the store but he saw jiwoo brother standing Infront of him

Both were sitting infront of the sea drinking some bear together

" how have you been ?" Jiwoo brother asked jake

" fine as you can see nothing changed " he answered but something about his tone was off

" Im glad to hear that " jiwoo brother said before taking sip of his bear

They stayed silence for a moment the brother was waiting for jake to ask him about jiwoo but he didn't

" so you are not asking about her ?" He said making the other look at him

honestly he wanted to ask about her he was curious about her new life how she is doing

But he always remember the last time they met the promise he made for her

" I promised her to not look for her so I'm keeping my promise " he said drawing smile on his face wasn't happy at all

jiwoo brother notice how jake changed after the last he saw him

The light he had when he was next to jiwoo he lost it she stole his spark

" don't worry she is doing well " her brother said to make the younger one feel less upset

" I'm glad to know that " without feeling his eyes became teary

The older one didn't want to bother him he just act he didn't the man next to his is crying

They both drank their bear watching the sunset

Jake went back to his house after chatting with jiwoo brother

He felt relief after hearing that she was doing well with her life

He took quick shower and went back to his kitchen opened his fridger was full of bottles of water nothing else

He took one and drink some before sitting on his kitchen table

He looked so empty sitting alone in the dark with light bright coming from his room

since she left he felt so alone he was like this before her

The first he came to the small town he was familiar with it

he wasn't used to the people here or how to communicate with them

The first he met jiwoo wasnt at the bus station it was before that

First meeting

jake was confused about the price of the vegetable he bought he wasn't used to it

the woman he was selling it was bad he was taking so long to understand her

" young man I don't have time for this if you don't understand just go buy somewhere else " she yelled at him

" I'm so sorry I'm not used to it just give me minutes " he said that trying to use his phone to understand her

" give me this I'm not selling to you " she took bags from him

" no I'm buying from you I'm so sorry for making you mad " he bowed to her so many time feeling sorry for the old woman

" just go I don't have time for you " the woman was yelling and rising her voice

" calm down why are you yelling " young girl with school uniform just cut the old woman from yelling

" ma'am can't you see he is struggling why are you rising your voice " she was looking mad at the old woman infront of her

Jake was just looking at the girl who just came out of no where to help him

She looked at him he looked down at his phone avoiding eye contact

" excuse me sir just leave this old woman she will cause you problems I will telling you where you can go " she said that with smile on her face

That was the first time he was her smile made his head beat so fast

End of flash back




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Me writing chapter 12 and 13 :

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