Chapter Two

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A.N. - This story will be going back and forth in perspective. Every other chapter will take place from Pedro's POV.

I paced the hallway outside of her door, back and forth, back, and forth. The whole thing felt very juvenile. She was my neighbor, it was perfectly acceptable, perhaps even expected for me to invite her over for a drink, welcome her to the neighborhood.

That's not the reason I wanted to invite her over, though... and I knew it, despite how much I tried to convince myself otherwise.

I hadn't stopped thinking about her since finding her stranded in the stairwell four days prior. I'd seen her a few times since then, briefly, crossing paths at the building entrance or the fourth-floor hallway when coming back from an audition or a coffee run. But I hadn't had the chance to speak to her again, not really... and I wanted to.

What was the harm in that?

You're eighteen fucking years older than her.

She was nearly thirty, though... it's not like she was nineteen, or twenty-one, even... Thirty. Surely, that should be old enough to negate the age difference, or at least make it not seem creepy or grotesque.

But even then, age difference aside, where did I envision this going? I certainly wasn't looking for a relationship, didn't even know if I could have one of those. A friend, then...

A friend who you think is the most gorgeous person you've ever laid your eyes on, that'll go well.

Fuck it.

I knocked on the door, running my fingers through my hair as I heard her footsteps echo on the other side.

She opened it, far too fast for her to have checked the peephole or undone the lock. She really was too trusting for this city...

I quickly forgot about her lack of discretion, though, the moment her eyes locked on mine and my heart slammed heavily in my chest. I couldn't pinpoint their color, they weren't blue, but they weren't green either, gray perhaps... the most lovely, breathtaking shade of gray I'd ever fucking seen.

"Do you need to borrow some eggs?" She smirked, leaning against the doorframe, exuding so much more chill than I could even begin to muster in that moment.

I let out a breathy laugh, "No, no eggs. I was actually," I nervously messed with the back of my hair before I realized I was probably making it look atrocious and quickly stopped, shoving my hand in my jean's front pocket. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over to mine for a drink?" I quickly realized how that sounded and began some pathetic form of frantic backtracking, "I mean, as like a welcome to the building kind of thing."

She didn't even hesitate, or comment on my frenzied appearance, just nodded, "Yeah, totally. Let me just grab my phone."

I took a deep breath when she turned around and disappeared into her bedroom, trying to calm the frantic racing of my heart. I couldn't remember the last time I felt like this, at least in reaction to a normal person.

Deeply buried, long forgotten feelings, and urges, and responses were bubbling up and I couldn't remember how to field or cope with them.

She came back into the room, materializing at my side and absolutely destroying any progress I had made in calming down.

"How's New York treating you on your first week?" I asked her as she walked with me down the hall.

She shrugged, a soft smile pulling at her lips, making my knees feel weak, "It's alright, a lot colder than I expected, but I only have myself to blame for underestimating the East Coast."

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