Chapter Eleven

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A.N. Sorry... I have to break you before I let you be happy.

The knock at my door made me jump. It'd been a week since the incident, but I was still jittery and nervous. Sounds pouring in from outside at night woke me up with a start, my heart pounding rapidly in my chest as I surveyed the dark room before allowing myself to lie back down. Perhaps it was stupid, then, that I was planning on going out for the first time in nearly five months, but I needed something, a distraction, a bit of normalcy, even if it was forced.

            I scurried to the door, checking the peephole before I clicked open the lock. Pedro smiled softly down at me when I opened the door, and I cursed my heart for pattering in response.

            I hadn't seen him as much since that day a week prior. We still talked every day, hung out most evenings, but I didn't spend morning to night at his apartment anymore. Whatever was keeping him behind that metaphoric wall reached a breaking point the morning after the incident, and I knew I had to pull away otherwise I was going to end up hurt. If I-- somehow-- managed to get some emotional distance, perhaps we could be friends, actual friends. Not friends who both want to kiss each other but can't.

            "Hi." He voiced, his eyes flickering up and down my body before landing back on mine.

"What's up?" I asked, trying to ignore the fluttering sensation in my stomach that erupted as he scanned my outfit again.

"I— I was going to put on a movie and order pizza. Wanted to see if you would join me, but it— it looks like you're going somewhere?"

"I um, I have a date." I felt my cheeks flush as I spoke. Telling the man that you're probably in love with that you have a date with someone else isn't exactly the most desired situation.

"Oh." He stood up straighter, brushing his fingers through his curls in a nervous manner that made my heart sink. "Wh— where? With whom?"

"That bar on 5th, and some dude I met on Bumble."

"Bumble?" He inquired, actively trying to keep his voice nonchalant, but I saw the way his jaw twitched as he spoke.

"It's a dating app, old man."

He forced a smile, then scratched his cheek. "Noted. Well, um have fun."

I nodded, swallowing hard as he brought his hand up to my face and gently squeezed my chin.

"Be safe." He ordered; his voice gruff as he dropped his hand from my chin.

"I will." It came out a whisper, my chest aching as he took a step back.

"Pizza and a movie tomorrow?" He asked, his inquiry brimming with hope as he started walking down the hallway.

"Yeah." I nodded more urgently than the situation required, "I'll text you."

"Text me when you're home safe tonight too, please." He called out, then disappeared into his apartment.

"Fuck." I muttered as I closed my door, leaning back against it and letting out an exhale I'd felt like I'd been holding for the past several minutes. I wasn't even on the date yet, and I already wanted to abandon the idea entirely and instead slip across the hall and curl up next to Pedro on the couch.

But no, I couldn't. I was going on this date, partially, to get some distance. Perhaps find someone who could make me feel the way he did, but without the complications. Then Pedro and I could be friends. We could eat pizza and watch movies together without me desperately wanting to jump onto his lap and smash my lips against his the whole fucking time.

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