Chapter Eight

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A.N. I know this feels slow moving, but it will pick up soon, promise.

Lucy watched me as I dug through the box under my bed.

While we no longer had any symptoms, we were still testing positive for covid as of a day prior, so we were contained to either of our apartments, not that we went out often as it was, but we were both definitely starting to go stir crazy.

"Are you sure it's even still good?" She asked, leaning over a bit to get a better look at the paraphernalia I kept hidden in that old shoe box.

I shrugged, "It either is or it isn't, only one way to find out."

"Fair." She nodded when I glanced at her from over my shoulder.

I found the package I was looking for, buried at the bottom of the box. I held it up, grinning at her.

She took it from my hands, squinting as she looked for an expiration date.

"It doesn't even have a sell-by on this thing." She muttered as she turned it over.

"It's drugs, not bread." I chuckled as I stood up.

"It's an edible, that hardly constitutes as drugs, and also you fucking eat it, there's eggs and shit in here. I feel like it should definitely have an expiration date."

"Live a little." I winked, taking the package from her and exiting the room.

"You'll be living a lot when you have to hold my hair back as I vomit when we get food poisoning from that thing." She muttered as she followed me to the kitchen.

I chuckled as I ripped the packaging open, taking the brownie out and placing it on a plate, "America puts so many preservatives in their food, I really doubt we're going to have to worry about it."

Lucy shrugged, leaning against the counter as she watched me cut it in half, "Good point."

"Plus," I glanced up at her from the plate, "once this thing kicks in you're not going to remember worrying about it, promise."

I handed her one of the halves, taking one for myself and holding it out to her. "Cheers." I tapped my brownie against hers then shoved it in my mouth.

She took a more tentative bite, her nose adorably scrunching up in disgust at the bitter taste that seemed to seep through the chocolate immediately.

"It's not great." I said through the mouthful, quickly grabbing a glass and filling it with water. I took a sip then handed the glass to her.

She chugged the remainder, slamming it on the counter and shaking her head, "That was fucking disgusting, what do you mean not great?"

"Well, if the flavor is any indication, I think it's probably going to knock us out." I refilled the glass and followed her to the couch.

She plopped down on the middle cushion, letting her head fall back as she let out a sigh, "Smoking is so much better, you don't have to wait."

"Well, I don't have anything we can smoke, so beggars can't be choosers."

"I didn't beg, actually, you're the one who wanted to get high."

I smirked at her, "Wish you would beg."

Her cheeks took on a lovely shade of pink as she elbowed me in the arm, "Shut up."

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