Chapter Sixteen

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A.N. I know you're here for smut and you'll get it I promise. Let me be soft first. 

Waking up had never been so difficult, difficult, yet so fucking rewarding.

I'd never slept well, ever since I was a child I struggled to get to sleep, to stay there, but with her tucked against my side, her head a slight, welcome weight on my chest, I slept like the dead.

I didn't fully wake until the sun was nearly at its height, streaming in through the gap in the curtains, stretching out in a long, thin sliver across the bed.

My eyes adjusted enough to glance down at the lovely being still sleeping on my chest. The events of the day prior were still solidifying in my head, I still wasn't entirely convinced this was real, that she was here, that she was mine. Though... I supposed we hadn't had that conversation, yet. It was hard to have heavy conversations when I was so caught up in the elation of having her back. All I wanted to do was kiss her, hold her, delight, and bask in her light presence for the first time in a month.

It was nearly noon, and she was still sleeping soundly against my chest, her little hand curled up near her face, her dark lashes resting on the top of her freckled cheeks, her plump, pink lips parted, warm wisps of air tickling my skin as she breathed slowly, in and out.

A heavy bout of affection flooded my body, making my limbs feel heavy and hot as I took her waist in my hands and pulled her on top of me. She didn't stir, just adjusted unconsciously to her new position, continuing to sleep soundly against me.

Fuck, I loved her; so intensely it almost hurt. I hated myself for making us both wait for this when it was so ridiculously apparent that this is where we belonged. It's not that I wasn't scared anymore, I was fucking terrified, perhaps more than ever, but it was worth it. Of course, it was worth it. She was a dream, and I would relish in her presence for as long as I was allowed to.

She went through the motions of waking up about twenty minutes after I did. Her eyelids fluttered, squinted open, then slammed closed as she pressed her face into my chest to shield her precious eyes from the sun.

I felt my lips creep up into a smile as she barely lifted her head, silently taking in the fact that she was sleeping on my chest. She bit down on her bottom lip, a lovely little smile pulling at the corners of her mouth as she pressed her face back against me, breathing in deeply, then letting out a content hum that warmed my insides like there was a fire crackling away in my gut.

"Good morning." I hummed, rubbing her back as she peered up at me, her eyes still hooded with sleep, but her cheeks taking on a lovely shade of pink as it donned on her that I'd watched her recognize that she was with me.

"Morning." She cooed, letting her head fall back onto my chest.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked, tucking her hair behind her ear so I had a better view of her profile, a set of features I wasn't sure that God himself-- or the notion of him, anyway-- could have crafted more impeccably.

"Good," she groaned, "so good."

I chuckled softly, bringing her further up my body by the grip I took of her waist. I buried my face in her hair, inhaling deeply, the scent of honey and citrus so strong that I felt drunk.

"How did you sleep?" She inquired softly, pressing her face into my neck, making me quiver underneath her as I tightly wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Better than I ever have before, if I'm being honest." I whispered against her head.

How was it so easy with her? Everything had felt so daunting, so terrifying, and now that she was here, wrapped up against me, it felt so natural it was almost laughable. I hadn't properly been with someone, apart from hookups and casual flings void of feeling, in so long, but with her it was instinctive.

Then Came You { a pedro pascal fanfiction }Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang