Chapter Four

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A.N. I don't know how to speak Spanish, I'm uncultured and the two years I took in high school are long forgotten. Please ignore any translation issues in this chapter, unless you want to help me fix them. Blame Google and my ignorance.

I glanced over at the clock on the wall. 10:25.

            Lucy had texted me ten minutes prior saying she would meet me in the hall at 10:30.

            I'd already been ready for an hour.

            I checked the weather app on my phone, swiping away all the news and text notifications I'd gotten overnight. The high was 47, which meant, with wind chill, it would feel more like 37. Which was fine, for me, but for Lucy, who never seemed to leave the building with enough layers for New York's brutal weather, it was going to be freezing.

            I grabbed an extra jacket from the closet, tugging it on over the one I was already wearing. I could just carry it, I certainly didn't need it, but I figured it would be more inviting to put on if I'd already warmed it up.

            All I'd thought about for the past forty-eight hours was the hug I'd given her on Friday, well, that and her comment on my arms, and her fucking delicious stew, and... her, generally speaking.

            I knew I was in deep, but I couldn't restrain myself the way I had in the past. There was something about her, she knew how to get through all of my layers and break me down with one single comment, one flutter of her eyelashes. Everything was easy with her... which in turn, made everything difficult. So fucking difficult.

            I glanced back at the clock-- 10:29. That was close enough.

            I leaned down and grabbed my keys from the coffee table, locking my door, then shoving them into my pocket and walking out into the hallway.

            Lucy exited her door a second later, beaming at me and nearly clearing the hall before I nodded back to her door.

            "Shit." She shook her head, "I forgot again. One second."

            She went back into her apartment and returned a moment later with her keys, that she--fumbling the entire way through--used to lock her door.

            She materialized at my side a second later.

            "I can't remind you every time you leave your apartment, you've got to get better at remembering to lock your door." I remarked, a bit sterner than I wanted to be with her.

            She groaned, "I know, I know. It always slips my mind."

            "At least tell me that you lock it when you go to sleep at night."

            She blinked up at me, her mouth set in a coy smile.

            "Lucy..." My voice lilted with disappointment.

            "I'm sorry!" She spat out as we exited the building, "I'm not trying to be irresponsible; I honestly just forget to."

            "I'm going to start texting you every night to remind you." I said as the wind chill nipped at my face.

            "That would actually be super helpful." She grinned up at me, shivering as she tried to scrunch further down into her inadequate jacket. "Holy shit, it's so cold." She stammered, rubbing her hands together.

            I shook my head at her, peeling off my top coat, "I came prepared for this exact situation."

            "No, Pedro, it's fine. I'll warm up, I don't want you to be--" She started, stammering away.

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