Chapter Twenty

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A.N. Thank you for your patience. I know this may all seem kinda jumbled, but it'll make sense later. Like I said, updates will be pretty slow in comparison to how rapidly I was updating earlier. I'd say to expect a chapter once every week or two. I promise I'm not abandoning this fic, I have the whole thing planned out already. I also have a TLOU fic planned if anyone is interested in that, please lemme know. 

"Sweet girl." I called out, but Lucy's gaze stayed fixed blankly across the room, her hands near her chest, where she was frantically twisting the band on her middle finger around and around.

"Hey," I cooed softly, clearing the space between us, and gently taking her slight waist in my hands, "everything okay, Luce?"

She nodded, perhaps a bit too adamantly, turning toward me and smiling, but it was weak, barely reaching her eyes.

I felt my stomach drop.

"You-- you don't have to come... if you don't want to." I tried to sound indifferent, but I knew my voice was depleted. I didn't think I could stand a month in LA without her... no, cut that, I knew I couldn't stand a month in LA without her.

She shook her head adamantly, "I want to come, it's not that."

The tension in my shoulders eased slightly. I let my hand cup her freckled cheek, running my thumb across the soft, soft skin there. "What is it then, mi amor?"

She leaned into my hand, her cheek warming, heating up my palm as her eyes fluttered closed. "I-- I'm kind of--" her eyes opened, glistening gray and gorgeous, "terrified of flying."

I chuckled softly, only out of relief, but she pulled back and glared at me, her cute little nose crinkling as she did.

"Aw, no baby girl." I shook my head, taking her face in my hands and kissing her forehead. "I'm not making fun of you, I just-- I was worried you'd changed your mind."

Her face smoothed, "No, I just-- last time I flew here I had a panic attack and the man next to me asked the flight attendant to switch seats, so he didn't have to sit next to me, it was humiliating."

I gently rubbed her cheek with my thumb, "Well, luckily you'll be sitting next to me this time, and I certainly won't ask the flight attendant to switch seats, and I have on good authority that my presence generally calms you down."

"All good points." She nodded, a slight smile pulling at the corner of her lips.

"And," I whispered, leaning closer to her ear, "When we get there, Daddy will make you cum for as many times as you can stay conscious for, something to look forward to, make the flight more bearable."

She whimpered, the sound making my cock ache in my jeans as her fingers dug into my arms.

"Can start now, please." She crooned, tugging at the neckline of my shirt before I gathered her hands in mine, tutting at her as I shook my head.

"Patience, mi querida." I gently kissed her knuckles, "Go get your things, I'll call an Uber."

She groaned, but listened, stomping off toward the bedroom as I chuckled and pulled out my phone.

"Car can be here in five minutes; will you be ready?" I called out, and she answered by dragging her suitcases down the hall, rolling her eyes at me.

"Easy, Luce. Keep rolling your eyes at me and you'll be waiting a while for that first orgasm." I warned as she deposited her bags by mine near the front door.

Then Came You { a pedro pascal fanfiction }حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن