What is there problem

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I'm at the front of my door scared as shit about what is about to happen. I walk inside and I can't find anyone feeling relieved cause I thought that they had gone out, Greg grabs my hand I then get a hard punch to my face. My cheek starts to bleed and then I get a punch straight into my stomach and quickly grab my stomach, already in so much pain knowing that it is nowhere near done Greg drags me to the lounge and throws me onto the floor. After getting about 5 punches and 1 kick to the stomach all I can do is scream and cry in the hope someone will hear me I try and kick him off of me while he's punching me in the face. He picked me up and throw me up against the wall punching me across the face I could feel my face turning red and my body aching all over he lets me go and I collapse down to the ground not being able to crawl away he yanks me up by my arm and drags me up the stairs and throws me into my room making me slam my back into my bedframe he closes my door, gets a broom and puts the broom underneath my door handle. Lying on the floor not being able to move tears streaming down my face trying to be as quiet as possible so he doesn't come back upstairs. Im lying there for about 1hr not being able to move I pull the blankets off my bed while still lying on the floor and fall asleep. He then comes back upstairs and removes the broom from under my door handle.

I wake up at about 5 am and stand up. I walk into the bathroom slowly and look at what my body looks like from yesterday. I go and look in the mirror and my nose has dry up blood on it, bruises all over my stomach and back down my legs and arms my left eye has a bruise on it, and both cheeks are pretty badly bruised. I try and go into the shower but I can only last about 5 minutes from the pain of the water hitting my body. I get out and get changed into some sweats and a hoodie. I go back into the bathroom and do my hair then get some makeup and cover all the bruises on my face then leave to go down to the kitchen. No one is in the kitchen so I grab some food then go back to my room and grab my bag and phone then quickly leave the house so no one sees me, I start walking to school. I get to school and go to my locker and put some of my books in there. I close my locker and there they are the bitches of the school. Rebbeca, Olivia, and Emily no one likes them besides themselves. Rebbeca quickly grabs my arm so I don't walk away. "What you doing Y/N' she says "leave me alone," I say "and why would I do that" "please Rebbeca I told you to just leave me alone please I don't feel good" she punches me in the face and 3 of them walk away. Already feeling the pain from her punch and Greg's punches I have to just ignore it and walk to my first class english.

I finish 3 periods and go to the cafeteria to eat some food. I try and find somewhere to sit but like always there's nowhere to sit I go outside to the front of the school and just sit on the grass with my headphones in and go on my phone. The end of lunch finishes and I don't want to go back to school so I just walk back home knowing that no one is home. I go into my room and take a shower then take my makeup off. I check my phone to see if I have gotten an email from marvel knowing that I'm not going to get one until about Thursday or Friday and it's only Tuesday. I go downstairs and get food and hide it in my draws so ill have some food for a couple of days because I know that I won't be getting any for a while. Everyone gets home and I wait till about 6 to start cooking dinner for everyone when I'm done I put the food on the table and go to my room so I don't have to hear them say that I'm not eating anything. I get to my room and go onto my phone until about 11 and go to sleep. 

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