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I wake up excited about later tonight "I get to see the whole cast today in person" I say to myself filled with excitement. I still have to go to school so I'm starting to get ready. I'm all done with getting ready and I start walking to school. I'm walking down the street when I see Rebecca and her friends "Great the 3 people I didn't want to see today" I say. They start walking towards me calling out my name "Y/N come on hurry up we want to walk with you" Rebbeca yells at me "Leave me alone I don't want to walk with you" I shout back, I walk away from the group of girls. They just stand there for about a minute when they all come running up behind me and Rebecca pulls my hair making me fall to the ground and then run away. Scarlett pulls up next to me in her car "Hi Scarlett" I say "Y/n hi why are you on the ground and why are your so-called friends running away" She says "We're just playing a game it's nothing" I reply while getting up " okay if you say so, get in the car" she says. I walk over to the car and get in "So do you want to go to school or not" Scarlett says as she drives off "Not really but I don't have a choice" I say " Who cares let's do something, what are you wearing tonight" she says with excitement " umm like jeans and a shirt probably" I say "okay well what do you want to do" she says. The car is silent while I think of what to say, Scarlett looks over at me "You alright y/n" she says "Yeah I'm just thinking, what do you want to do "I say while I wouldn't mind getting something to eat" she says I look over at her and nod my head. We drove over to the cafe while listening to Taylor Swift.

We get there and walk inside I can feel people's eyes on me, but they're most likely looking at Scarlett Johansson. Someone comes over to us and shows us where to sit and then takes our order. Scarlett orders a chocolate muffin and a coffee and I order just a hot chocolate. We just sit there and talk while we wait "Do people always just look at you when you're out" I ask, "yup and you might need to get used to it" she says back, great I think to myself. Our food comes out and is set out in front of us, "Thank you" we both say while she starts to walk away. We finish eating and Scarlett goes and pays and we go back to the car. We start driving not knowing where to go "So any place in mind you want to go," Scarlett asks while we're waiting at a red light, I think to myself and I can't come up with anything. "Well, how about we head to my place for a bit then I'll drop you back at your house," she says while looking at me then going back to look at the road "yea sure that sounds nice," I say back. We get to Scarlett's house and as soon as she opens the door my jaw drops in shock "Wow your house is beautiful Scarlett" I say, she laughs lightly "Well your welcome to come anytime and please call me Scar "she says with a huge smile on her face. You take off your shoes and place them on the shoe rack, Scar quickly shows you around the house and you both go into the lounge and sit down. You're talking to each other for a while until Scarlett has to do some work. She leaves you in the lounge with the tv remote and tells you that she's just in the other room doing something work-related. "Well, what can I do then," you think to yourself. You go onto Disney Plus and put on Age of Ultron and just watch that until Scar comes out of her office.


Florence: y/n so what's your address so I can get to you later if you still need me to

y/n: ohh sorry umm me and Scar sorted it out

Florence: Okay that's fine ill see you later tonight then

y/n: ok see you later

Scarlett finally comes out of her office about a few hours later and walks over to you and sees you fast asleep on the couch. She gets that blanket that's on the back of the couch and gently puts it over you while doing so you wake up and look up at her, she looks and you with a warm smile and walks over to you while you sit up. "So should we start getting ready it's a big night," she says " yea sure," I say while yawning she laughs a little while standing back up "Do you want anything to eat," scar says "umm no I'm fine but thanks tho," you say while following her into the kitchen while she gets something to eat. You both go and sit at the table and talk for about 10 minutes then go to her bedroom to get ready. You're following Scar into her room and see two outfits laying across her bed "Why are there two different outfits" you say confused "Will you tell me what you were going to wear I thought I could get you something if you do not like it you do not have to wear it" she says with a soft smile. I didn't know what to say so all I could get out was a huge "YES" She laughs and tells me to use her bathroom while she waits outside. I finish getting changed and walk out, she looks up at me with a huge smile "You look gorgeous y/n" All you can do is go red cause you've never heard anyone give you a compliant scar walks over to you and gives you a hug you both break out and Scarlett goes and gets changed, she walks out and you look at her in pure shook "wow you, you look beautiful "you say "well thank you y/n" she says back "well I've got to put my makeup on then we can get going yea" Scarlett says and u just say yes. She finally finishes and walks out you both smile at each other and go downstairs, both of you put on your shoes and walk out to the car and drive to the restaurant.

When we get there almost everyone is there besides Elizabeth and Chris Evans. We both go and sit down everyone is so welcoming and saying hi to me and it honestly made me tear up a bit cause I never thought that so many people would be so happy to see me. Chris walks in about a couple minutes after he comes up to me and welcomes me to this huge family-like cast and goes and sits down next to Hemsworth. Elizabeth finally arrives and she looks stunning. I can't stop looking at her she walks over to me and I finally snap up of it and stand up, Elizabeth greets me in a tight warm hug "Hi you must be y/n it's gonna be nice having more girls around hopefully it won't stink as much" she says I let out a small laugh and go and sit down. Elizabeth sits next to me and were just talking and found out we have a bit in common. The waiter comes over and takes all of your orders then leaves. "Elizabeth I need to go to the bathroom ill be right back," I say as I'm standing up "ok that's fine' She says with a gentle smile then looks over at Scarlett and begins to talk to her. I get to the bathroom and I feel this wave of emotion hit me I've never had this type of feeling before I felt safe and cared for. I don't want to leave them, I say to myself while washing my hands. I take a deep breath and walk back to the table. The food comes shortly after I get back and we all start eating and talking. Everyone is finished eating and the desert menus come out "So what are you going to get y/n" Florence says leaning in front of Scarlett "Umm i don't think ill get anything I'm quite full" I say "You sure you do not want anything" Elizabeth says "no I'm fine thank you thought Elizabeth" I say while smiling "you know you can call me Lizzie or liz I don't mind Elizabeth just seems too formal" she says "ok" I say in return.

We get the check and Hemsworth decided he'd pay and then we all left. Everyone is going in their separate direction while I and Scarlett walk to her car. We both get in and Scar starts to drive off, we sit in a comfortable silence the whole way back. She drops me off in front of the same house as always and asks if she can walk me to the door to say hi to my parents I freak out and say "Uhh no there umm not home" I say "Well do you want me to stay until they're back its 10 pm" she says "No I'm fine you can go its fine they just texted me saying there about 5 minutes away ill see you later" I say in a rushed tone knowing that I had to be home by 9:30 "ok then text me when they get home" Scarlett then drives off and I start walking to my house that's only a few houses down. I walk to the front door and open the door.

A/N Sorry, I haven't been updating it, if just been busing. I'll try and post more. 

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