Marvel Cast

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I wake up and go on my phone, I then get an email and click on it. “  Confidential do not share” My heart is pounding and my palms are all clammy I continue reading “I have the pleasure to inform you that you have the role of Dakota Romanoff you'll receive more information on this later go onto this link to the marvel cast group chat. Holy shit, holy shit I made it, I DID IT WHAT THE FUCK. I go onto the link and go to the group chat.

Marvel Cast
Evans: So who is the girl that got the role
Olsen: Her name is Y/N
Johansson: Im so glad she got the role she seemed sweet
Steinfeld: There's a new girl hell yea I was waiting for a new one
Pugh: When do we get to see her
RDJ: God guys calm down shes joining soon
Hemsworth: Where is she from
Pugh: How are we supposed to know
Hemsworth: I don't know I was just asking
Y/N Y/L/N joined
Y/N: uh hi
Johansson: Hi Y/N remember me after your audition I drove you home
Evans: Quite straightforward their scar
Y/N: How was I going to forget that
Johansson: Shut it Chris
Olsen: Hi Y/N
Y/N: hi
Everyone else: Hi
Steinfeld: Where is everyone else
Pugh: I'm not sure

Oh my gosh, how is this even real? What the, ok calm down. I go and finish getting ready for school, finishing my makeup, and covering all the bruises I have about 20 minutes before I have to leave so I just hang out in my room till I have to leave. I am scrolling on Twitter when I get a message thinking it's just the group chat I go and check it: New message from unknown” I go onto it

Unknown: hi I thought I would talk to you just one on one for a bit
Y/N: hi, sorry who is
Unknown: Ohh sorry it's Scarlett
Y/n: oh hi what's up
Scarlett: I was just wondering if your going to school today or do you even attend school
Y/N: yea I go to school and I'm going today why?
Scarlett: I was just going to ask if you needed a ride maybe
Y/N: yea sure thank you Scarlett
Scarlett: no problem also if you ever need anything you can just ask
Y/N thank you I guess ill see you soon then

Ok Scarlett just texted I me asking if I wanted a ride to school. Oh shit, I gotta go then, I walk t the house I had told her I lived in the last time she dropped me off a wait there for her to come. 10 minutes pass and I see her around the corner. She comes to the sidewalk and parks next to me “come on in” she says I look into the car and see that Elizabeth, Hailee, and Florence are in the car. “Uhhh hi guys” Hi Y/N they all say back. I get in the back next to Hailee and Florence, and we start heading to school. We get there and they all say bye to me. And I start to walk to the stairs of the school, Rebbeca stands in front of me and asks whos in the car “none of your business” I say back, I can tell that Scarlett hadn't left yet and I didn't want any of them to see me get punched. So I look back at them, then back to Rebeca, she grapes my bag straps. “So who are they Y/N,” she says “it's no one leave me alone” she gives me a kick right in the shine and lets o of my bag then goes over to her friends, I leave not looking back at them but knowing they saw it and they're going to bring it up sooner than later.

Scarletts Pov:
“Did you guys see what that girl did to her” I say, “yea do you think she knows her and they were just playing” Hailee says “I don't think so ill text her soon” I say.

Back to your pov:
Great they definitely saw that and now they're going to ask questions it's fine ill just make up a lie like she's my friend and we were just messing around. I continue walking into school and Scarlett finally left, I headed into my first class and continued with the day trying to avoid Rebbeca and her friends.

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