after school

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We're driving down the road in silence when Scarletts starts talking "Y/N what's wrong" she asks in a concerned voice "nothing it doesn't matter can I just get out ill walk the rest" I say. She sighs and pulls over "ill see you later thank you, Scarlett," I say as I'm getting out of the car. I watch as she drives off and I start walking back home. I get home and go straight up to my room as I hear Greg yelling at me "WHY ARE YOU LATE YOU LITTLE SHIT" I close my door and fall onto my bed I take a deep breath and get out my homework and start doing it on my desk.

It gets to 6 and like always I go downstairs and start cooking, I set the table and put the food down, I start to head to the stairs when I hear someone call my name “Y/N come sit down”. I go to the table and sit down. Everyone looks at me while we all wait for Marcus, all of a sudden Marcus comes running in and I turn around getting a bucket full of water to my face I stand up instantly and run out of the room but when I get to the bottom of the stairs Greg tells me to stop and turn around. “Did I say you could leave bitch” he said “no sir” I reply with a terrified voice. I walk back to the table with gr following close behind me I can feel his breath on the back of my neck. I get to my seat and I start eating while everyone talks. I finish before everyone and start to clear the table. I'm done cleaning everything and head back to my room to finish my homework. I go and check my phone “new messages” i open my phone to see that Scarlett had texted me

Scarlett: Darling you know you can talk to me whenever you want
Scarlett: Just please answer me
Send 1hr ago

Scarlett: Y/N please im worried whats wrong
Y/N: sorry i was just eating dinner, nothings wrong im fine
Scarlett:Y/N im not dumb what is going on
Y/N: im sorry scarlett i just can't i have to finish my homework

I put my phone down and try and focus but i can't with all that's going on i hear my phone ding again “New email from Kevin Feige”

Hi Y/N i have some more news about the movie and about your character
So as you know your playing a young girl dakota romanoff *info about her* and also there dinner at 7 tomorrow night i'll see if someone can pick you up.

I reply back to him “ohh its ok ill see if scarlett or someone can take me thank you though” i finishing doing my home work at about 9 and go text Florence pugh to see if she can take me tomorrow.

Y/N: Hey I was just wondering if your going to the diner tomorrow
Flo: yea i think everyone is going, why
Y/N: i was just going to ask if you could maybe take me it's fine if you can't
Flo: Yea i can but why didn't you ask scarlett
Y/N: ohh no reason just thought maybe you could take me
Flo: okay that's fine i just need the address
Y/N: okay i can give that to you tomorrow
Flo: sleep well
Y/N: you too goodnight

I put away everyone on my desk and decided to have a shower then go to bed

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