I hate school

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Scarlett: Hey hun who was that girl earlier

Y/N: oh it was no one don't worry about it

Scarletts: are you sure she didn't seem like your friend

Y/N: it's fine she is

I feel so bad now. I hope she isn't mad at me. I get into maths and hear my phone vibrate on my desk. I look at my phone "new messages from Scarlett" I go to check the message and my teacher catches me and tells me to put my phone away. I roll my eyes and put my phone under my desk and start texting her

Scarlett: hun are you sure you are okay just making sure

Y/N: I'm alright

Scarlett: k I'll pick you up if you want

Y/N: okay thank you

What am I going to do if she mentions it? I continue with the maths and when it finishes I'm walking down to my locker with books in my hand. I see Rebecca and her friends down the hall. Rebbecca sticks out her leg while I'm not looking and I tumble down to the floor and my things spread across the floor. All they do is just laugh at me and walk away. I pick my stuff off the ground and walk to the bathroom. I see some blood on my book and noticed that my nose is bleeding, I go into a cubicle put my stuff onto the toilet paper holder and get some toilet paper for my nose. I just hide out there until period 4 is over. Halfway through period 4, I hear keys jingle and jangle in the bathroom "shit I'm gonna get caught" I say to myself "Anyone in here" I hear a gentle voice say I keep quiet until I see my books falling off, it makes a loud noise when it slams on the ground. "Come on out, you're not in trouble," she says I pick up my books and leave the bathroom with her. "What's your name," she asks "Y/N" I reply we walk into the principal's office and she leaves. "Y/N what were you doing in the bathroom," he asks "I stay quiet" he takes a deep breath before he starts speaking again, I interrupted "I seriously wasn't doing anything bad why does everyone constantly have their head up my ass," I say in an irritated voice, he sighs " detention it is then" I rush out the room and I go to my next class.

School ends and I head to detention. I walk into the class and I see the teacher "great the creepy one. I go and sit down and just look out the window when all of a sudden I feel my phone vibrate and get my phone out of my pocket and hide it under my desk. "New Messages''

Scarlett: Where are you I'm waiting outside

I fully forget that she was picking me up

Y/N: sorry I got detention I forgot to tell you I'll text you later

Scarlett: Oh ok want to talk about it later then

Y/N: yea that'll be nice to thank you I've got to go now

I put my phone down and look up to see that the teacher is seating at the desk next to me. "Hi you must be Y/N so what did you do," he says "aren't you supposed to already know' i replay with a tone "Ok fine ill just leave then if you need anything just come to my desk," He says with a smile on his face, I feel goosebumps all over my body and try to just shake it off and just look back outside the window. An hour passed and I'm finally done I gather my stuff and put it in my bag and start to walk out of the room. "Wait Y/N come here please" I hear a deep voice say "great" I whisper to myself. I walk over to his desk and he comes closer to me I take a step back and he takes a step ford "what do you want" I say in a scared voice "nothing ill let you go now thank you" he says with his hand just under my ass. I grab his hand and throw it off of me I start to tear up while walking out of the class. I get out of the school and see that Scarlett's car is still there, I walk over to it and she rolls down the window "get in Y/N' she says "have you been here this whole time" I say wiping my tears away "of course" she says in a confused look "are you okay why are you crying" she says "its nothing can we just go" I say in a shaky voice. 

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