3. Makes you sad, Doesn't it?

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Slight SH warning, nothing major though. Please stay safe! 💞

I fluttered my eyes open, realizing I fell asleep at my desk. I quickly began to tap at the keyboard, and within a couple of minutes, the script was finally complete. I hit the print button and stapled The sheets of paper together. I looked at the time on my laptop. 8:24. I tried to remember what it said before I fell asleep. Perhaps about 4 AM?...I groaned and rested my head in my arms. Four hours of sleep was not going to help me make it through today. Especially with my lesson...

I went downstairs and made myself some Jasmine tea. My lesson was said to start at 9:30. I got time.

Sketchbook, sitting at the kitchen table coloring, smiled at me. "You excited?" They asked cheerfully. I smiled and sipped my tea. "I am, sorry if I don't show it." Sketch waved their hand in dismissal. "It's fine! I remember my  first lesson, seems like forever ago...I know you'll do great! Besides, all the other teachers will be watching you, so you'll have support!"

I gulped, if I embarrassed myself. I will have dishonored myself and the 'OK STOP' corporation...I must not fail...I will not fail!


Red guy threw me too the ground, his strength surprising. I landed with an "oof!" And I shook my head to try to regain my balance. "I did my end of the deal! You were just such terrible friends that he abandoned you for his stupid brain friends! Which, by the way, have TERRIBLE TASTE!" I pointed an accusing finger at Red guy and Duck. 

"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Red guy yelled, his fists balled and his arm and finger outstretched, pointing towards the door. "Fine! I'll go!" I said, grabbing the door handle and looking back at them. "At least you learned a lesson!"

"WE DID'NT LEARN ANY LESSON FROM YOU, YOU DISGUSTING WORM!" Red guy barked, I bit my bottom lip as tears began to prick in the corners of my eyes. "I. AM. AN. EAGLE!!" I opened and slammed the door behind and as tears began to flow freely down my face and behind me. I almost I'm immediately tripped over a log, though I quickly got up and kept running. I tripped many more times, snot and tears flowing down my face...after a while, I reached a sunny tree where I sat down, hugging my knees. I looked down. My knees were bloodied and rubbed with dirt. My palms were scraped and muddy, and I could only imagine what my face looked like...

As I do when I'm sad, I begin to hastily scratch at my shoulders. My fingernails catching zits and other things, the pain slightly distracting me from my shame...

I sat there for a while, the sun beaming down on me as i tried to muffle my sobs my digging my face into my arms and knees.

"Are you ok, friend?"

I heard an almost angelic voice above me, I sheepishly looked upwards and above me, I saw the same butterfly that bumped into me. His wings fluttering in the sunlight and his face wore an expression of soft concern. "I'm fine, go away." I said, crying to hide my ugly crying voice as I buried my face back into my knees. Though the butterfly stayed, and instead of leaving, he sat next to me, leaning his back against the tree.

"It makes you sad, doesn't it?" He said. I glanced at him. "What?" He looked at me with sadness. "That there's so much hatred in the world..."

"I...I guess." I sniffed. The butterfly smile softly, though sweetly. I don't know why, but it made me feel nice..."You look quite beat up friend, you should really get bandaged up." He sat up and flew slightly above me, holding out his hand. "Come with me, I can help you." 

I wanted to say no. I really wanted to say no. But I certainly couldn't go back to the house, at least not with the shame of running out on a lesson. Besides, I guess I did need to be bandaged up. I reached my hand out and put it in his. 

He took my other hand, and before I could react, he flew high up into the sky until we were in the clouds. I yelped, paralyzed with fear. Shrignold began to lower me into a pack of clouds. Thinking I was going to fall through them, I yelled in fear until he fully let go, and I was safe.

The clouds under me were softer than anything I had ever felt, and I smiled. Shrignold sat next to me and began to unroll a roll of bandage. I wondered how he got them so fast, but didn't linger on it. He began to wrap the bandage around my legs and arms. I would usually be uncomfortable, but the fluffiness of the clouds was enough to keep me distracted.

"So, I never got your name." He said as he finished the bandaging. "Oh! I'm sorry. My name is Warren. Warren the Eagle." I hesitated on the eagle part, not knowing how he would react, though he just smiled. "That's a wonderful name. My name is Shrignold, but I'm sure you already  knew that. I'm aware the teachers down there talk about me all the time." He chuckled. "Again, I'm so sorry for running into you."

"Don't mention it." I said smiling. Shrignold's voice was so soft and comforting, he must be some sort of therapeutic doctor...


Warren seemed nice. Maybe he would be interested in joining the Cult? He does seem like a troubled soul. I wonder if he has a special one? There's no ring on his finger. I though, studying Warren as he was distracted playing with scraps of stray cloud.

I bet we could find him one. He seems likeable enough. At least to me. The eagle part is a little out there though...but that's not important. I thought to myself.

"Warren, I was wondering if you would be interested in meeting some friends of mine. They live here up in the clouds as well..." Warren looked at me strangely. I secretly prayed to Malcom he would say yes. "Sure, why not?" He said. I breathed a sigh of relief as I took him by the hand. "Let's go then! It's just a cloud away!"

word count: 1069

and no I did not make a Pharrell Williams refrence


ok maybe I did

BOYS WILL BE BUGS ~ Warren x ShrignoldWhere stories live. Discover now