6. Stuttering

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The first stars of the night began to shine as I watched Shrignold flutter back up into the soft pink clouds. I sighed in anticipation as I wiped my feet on the doormat. And then, clutching the doorway and inhaling a deep breath, I stepped inside.

Everyone in the house immediately halted from their conversations to turn and stare at me, even some of the teachers I hadn't even met yet. Some of their faces wore an expression of anger, some disappointment, some just downright confused, and some- like Sketch's- were pitiful...

"Where the hell have you been?!" Tony demanded angrily, tapping on the watch on his wrist. "You were gone for almost five hours. What the in blazes happened?!"

Five hours?? Gosh, I didn't think I was gone for that long, I guess it is nighttime... I thought to myself...

"Well? Are you just going to stand there like a tilted log? What the fuck  were you thinking running out of a lesson like that?!" He said hotly. "Tony T. Clock! Watch your language!" Sketch told Tony with a harsh tone, but Tony ignored them and continued to stare at me.

My mind scrambled and my mental self reaching for words I could not get, I began incoherently stuttering, my voice tripping over itself, tumbling and falling...just how I had done when I ran out...As I looked around the room one more time, all the teachers were looking at me like I had grown an extra head, and with my humiliation overflowing, I began to sob and I ran upstairs to my room, I heard Sketch call my name, but I didn't turn back around. I slammed and locked my door shut, slinking down into my small bed and burying my face in the quilt. 

I lay there for many hours. Ashamed, humiliated, and just downright mad at myself. I wanted to be mad at someone else, but I knew it would be no use. When I finally looked up after what seemed to be the entire night, I saw that the stars outside were almost obscured by the clouds still lingering overhead, but the new that shone cast a dazzling light onto the house.

I went over to my laptop and opened it, I stared at the screen for a while before turning on a cavetown playlist at a low volume (yes he listens to cavetown shushy shush)

I read one of my self-help books for a while, my half-sagging eyes scanning boringly over the pages, not remembering a thing they said. Suddenly, I heard a soft knock at the door, which started me. 

I paused the music and peek the door open, and I saw that Lamp from earlier. "Pssst, hey. Fridge didn't happen to hide the liquor in your room, did they?" He whispered."What? No." I responded. The lamp's words, unlike earlier, were not slurred and run-together, and what I could see of his eyes (all the lights were turned off in the house) where not droopy and red. "Can I come in?" He asked, though before I could even give an answer, he walked in and looked under my bed, my desk, and under my books. I didn't really know what to say, and just stood there.

After he figured he wasn't going to find anything, he sat on the bed and held out his gloved hand. "I don't think we've properly been introduced. The names Larry, Larry the Lamp." He said smugly. I closed the door and shook his hand. "Warren, Warren the Eagle." I said, sitting down at my desk chair and leaning back. I didn't want to kick him out immediately, I guess it would be nice to talk to someone.

"Ooohhhhhhhhh...You're that new teacher who ran out of his lesson, right?"

BOYS WILL BE BUGS ~ Warren x ShrignoldWhere stories live. Discover now