19. loverboy

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~loverboy - a-wall~

Sure enough, my wings began to quickly heal. Over the past week and a half, my wings began to take better shape. The feathers began to straighten and even though some rough patches of skin still cling to the wings, most of them had disappeared completely.

With the help of Shrignold, I've been able to stretch my wings more and more every day. The pain had gone, and now I could stretch my wings out or their full length (just about four feet). 

Everyone was calmly surprised, and confused. I could tell that most of the teachers held back saying. "Wait...so you really are an eagle?". I didn't mind though. 

Shrignold was the most excited. Whenever we were alone he would politely ask to feel the feathers, and he would always be super careful when he was directing me to stretch them. I had come to to full acknowledgment that Shrignold's wings were gone, and that they would never grow back. The rest of his paper-thin wings had been crumbled to dust. 

He didn't seem to mind, whoever they were mentioned (which was little) he would simply put on a sad smile and acknowledge it. He wanted me to understand that he was ok now, just as I wanted him to understand the exact same thing...

~small le time skip~

"Warren! Wake up!"

I fluttered my eyes open, squinting at the morning light. I slowly up and rubbed my eyes. When my sight regained, I saw Shrignold, leaning on his now one crutch and smiling up at me happily with a gleaming eye.

Oh, right. The bandage had been taken off of the right half of Shrignold's head just about a week ago. He was relived that his hair was unhurt, though the entire side of his face was scarred over in hues of red and pink and lavender. A small, shallow crater represented the place where his eye once was held. Once he took a look at himself in the mirror, he had to let his new appearance sink in for a day or two.

I never thought anything of it. I reminded him every day that he was just and even more beautiful then the day I met him, and I wasn't lying nor exaggerating...

"It's flight test day!" Shrig cheered, grabbing my hand and gently pulling me out of the bed. I rubbed eyes again. "That's today?..." I mumbled. "Yes! been put off so long and it's a perfect day!" His excitement was overflowing as his big smile stayed painted on his face. 

"Alright, alright, I'm gonna get changed..." 

Shrignold nodded. "Alright! Nice, I'm gonna go tell everybody!" He hurriedly hobbled out of the room and closed the door behind him.

As my wings began to develop more, I had folded and cut holes into the backs of all my shirts and sweaters. Luckily, Sketch had helped me map the right cut lines so I could put the clothes on and not look weird. I threw on some knee-length cargo shorts, my ragged sneakers, and a grey crewneck. I tied it together my putting my hair in a loose ponytail at the nape of my neck.

After everyone had tea and I got used to being awake, I followed Shrignold outside. Sketch, Gilbert, and Larry said that they wanted to come and somehow, Larry wasn't black-out drunk as usual. Gilbert suggested we time how long I can stay in the air. When Shrignold, confused, said that we didn't own a stopwatch- Sketch exclaimed "Why do we need a stopwatch when we've got Tony?!". With that, Tony was then dragged outside by his paperback friend.

We set up station at the sunny, flower-filled field just beyond the forest. White clouds dotted the sky and a large willow tree just at the base of the most sloped hill provided shade. I looked beyond the field from the hill and took a deep breath. I could hear the other teachers conversing among themselves under the tree. I soon felt Shrignold at my side and look looked down at him, his eye holding a loving gaze. "Hey. You're gonna be great. You wanna do this, right?" He asked.

His tone was asking, clenched my fists in determination. "I'm sure I wanna do this." I stated, my voice steady. Shrig smiled and gestures for me to lean down, once I did, he gave me a small kiss. I blushed at the sudden act. "You've got this. Nobody is forcing you to do anything..." I smiled and stood back up, taking a deep breath in and out.

Trial one was a disaster. Without any warning and no plan in mind, I took off running until I hit the slope of the hill and jumped. When my wings didn't spread completely, I dived face-first into the earth and began rolling down the hill.

After recovery, we all agreed that we should all be in sync when I take off.

Trail two, Sketch kept an eye on on Tony's hands as they ticked by in seconds. Once I stretched my wings and we all gave the thumbs-up for takeoff, I began sprinting down the hill again. At the slop, I grunted with effort as I jumped as high as I could and spread my wings. 

I swear I was in the air for maybe two to three seconds before I began plummeting down onto the grass again. That's alright. Progress. 

I wanted to limit myself to three trials. I wanted to reach a goal of staying up in the air for at least seven seconds. It didn't really seem like a big fail if I didn't reach it, I just wanted a challenge.

Trial three, I stretched out my wings pre-take off and took a deep breath...

Pacing myself, I took off running. When I took my leap, I counted the seconds in my mind before I would begin falling. When I did, I put in all my strength and effort and took one big flap of my wings.

I was suddenly propelled upward. Before I knew it the entire field was upside down as I was flipped the wrong way. Scared I was going to meet an untimely fate, I harshly flapped my wings again and was propelled upwards and forward.

My vision blurred from the wind and before I could regain my sense of direction, I felt myself haphazardly diving in the fashion of a fire-coated airplane. I heard exclamations of fear and surprise before I crashed into the willow tree.

I was twisted in all awkward ways with branches poking at my ribs and legs as I regained my senses. I was stuck up in the willow tree. I yelped in surprise as the branch supporting me snapped, and I began to tumble downwards until I hit the ground.

I slowly sat slowly and painfully brushed the twigs and leaves out of my hair. Everyone had evacuated out of under the tree. I understood, seeing as I practically crashed and burned...

Shrignold hobbled over to me and immediately embraced me in a loving hug. I was confused. "You did it, Warren! You flew!" 

I did?... I thought to myself. Both me and Shrignold looked to the other teachers, who were surprised, though seemingly happy at my progress. Sketch glanced over to Tony. "You were in the air for exactly twelve seconds." He said flatly, though with a soft smile.

Twelve seconds? Wow. It seemed so much shorter then that...

Shrignold embraced me once again, and I did the same. "I'm proud of you, Warren. You did so well..."

I felt myself almost begin to tear up, and I buried my face in his fluffy ink-black hair and smiled, the pain from the crash gone...

words: 1270

BOYS WILL BE BUGS ~ Warren x ShrignoldWhere stories live. Discover now