8. act like you never met me

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hey guys! form now on, I'm going to be naming chapters songs that warren loves and listens to in this story! enjoy!

~(do you) act like you never met me - TV girl~


Rain began to fall. First, it was small droplets that only lightly fell onto the dark-red roof. Then, it quickly began to pour. Snuffing my cigarette against my tongue, I quickly took Shrignold's hand and hurried down the roof. Reaching the rain gutters, I caught my breath as I slipped on the rain-soaked roof. I braced for impact but felt none, I then felt the back of my shirt being rugged upwards as Shrignold had caught me and was having trouble stealing me back up, considering our stature differences. 

I steadied and swung myself to my bedroom window by the gutters, tumbling front-first into my room with a pained grunt. I got up and dusted myself off, Shrignold flying in the window and struggled to shut it behind him. When he did, he sighed tiredly and sat on the windowsill, raindrops dripping from his antennas. 

I took a deep breath and fell back into my desk chair. A few beats of silence passed as the only sounds where the large raindrops pattering on the house. "So...you live here?" Shrignold asked, his voice still slightly raspy from all the cigarettes. "Yep." I nodded. "It looks nice." Shrignold smiled, and I did the same. "Thanks."

Another awkward, smiling silence passed before Shrignold seemed to notice the cheap recording setup and books scattered all over the desk. "You have...a podcast, I'm guessing?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah, it's like- a self-help and business building thing...not much."

The door to the room slammed open as a tired-eyed Larry stood with one hand on the doorknob. "Hey guy, Gilbert said that Fridge changed the alcohol hiding place and I was wo-"

I turned in the chair and Larry spotted Shrignold sitting on my windowsill. His gaze flashed to him, then to me. He eyed me once again and grew a big, cat-like grin on his face. I widened my eyes at him and prayed that he got the message not to say something embarrassing.

"Heeeeeeeeeyyy Shriggy. Whatcha doin' here?" He said in a sing-song voice. I inhaled deeply and mentally facepalmed. "We're just escaping the rain, Larry." I said through my teeth. Larry kept that stupid grin plastered on his face as he shrugged. "Welp, don't let me bother you. I'll give you two some privacy." Larry closed the door, giving me an approving wink and a thumbs-up on the way out.

I'll make it by priority to break Larry's face later.

I hesitantly turned back to Shrignold, who wore a confused and oblivious look. "Sorry about that...he's drunk all the time..." Shrignold chuckled and leaned back. "Is there ever a time when he's not drunk?" We both laughed, and I felt my stomach flutter for a quick second, before I realized and quickly pushed the feeling away. 

As shrignold's laughing calmed down, he began to cough harshly. I waited until he was done to speak again. "Never smoked?" I asked. Shrignold shook his head. "Nope. I had alcohol one time, and I woke up drenched near a river. Never again." I chuckled. "Who hasn't at some point." 

"You drink?" Shrignold asked, tilting his head. I shrugged. "Not much. I used to, but I got pretty angry when I did- so I gave up on it." Shrignold smiled sweetly. "Good for you!" He hummed. Oh god, that fluttering feeling again...

Shrignold glanced behind out the window. "It sure is pouring...I don't know if I'll be able to make it back up into the clouds." He said longingly, almost to himself. "Why not?" I asked, not trying to sound accusing but just genuinely curious. Shrignold looked back to me. "My wings are really delicate and it doesn't take a lot for them to tear. Rain can weigh them out and just make balancing while flying tougher..."

I thought for a moment. "Maybe you can stay in the house. I'm sure the couch downstairs is a pull out. If not I even think they have extra rooms and such..." I stopped myself, worried that I may have sounded too weird. Shrignold gave me a concerned look. "But...Malcom will for sure be angry..." 

I huffed. "Don't you think Malcom would be happy if one of his most loyal  followers was to be injured instead of just staying with people you've known for years  for one night?" 

Shrignold tapped his chin. "I suppose that makes sense." He agreed, then smiling at me. "Ok then, that sounds great."

BOYS WILL BE BUGS ~ Warren x ShrignoldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora