15. birds don't sing

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~birds don't sing - tv girl~


I tiredly was walking back up the stairs when I held my hand be gently grabbed by someone behind me. The small rabbit creature I was helping inside from earlier gazed up at me with sad eyes. His right arm was now in a sling and a bandage coiled around his abdomen.

"Sir...I just have to know, will Shrignold be ok? He all rushed us out of the clouds before he even tried escaping. He made sure every one of us was safe and even stayed behind to check if anyone had been left behind..."

I hesitated on words. Like Shrignold said, he probably would never me to a totally fine. His injuries would heal, but the scars on his body and mind would stay forever...

"Yeah...he's going to be ok." I forced a small smile and the rabbit seemed to relax a small bit. "Thank you, sir. You mean a lot to him..." he comforted, then slowly descended back down the stairs to join his friends.

I continued back up the stairs until I arrived back in the upstairs room and sat down next to Shrignold. He looked over to me. "I woke up and you weren't here..." he muttered. I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I just wanted you to get your rest." When he didn't answer, I continued speaking. "Everyone is worried about you..." I sighed.

Shrignold nodded softly. "I'm going to have to tell them what I did." He said simply, my eyes widened. "You can't do that Shrignold, you know what the older teachers would do to you." Shrignold took a deep breath and stared out the window to the deep-orange outside. "I'm not scared of them...it's timed that I faced them myself." 

"Shrig, you're hurt and...and your vulnerable..." I croaked. "I don't care. I need to do this if I ever want to feel at least a little peace..."

There was no use arguing with him, so I dropped the matter. "Thank you, Warren. Out of everyone on this earth, I'm glad that you showed up...I couldn't ask for anyone else to be my special one." He smiled softly at me as I felt my heart skip a beat. "I'm your special one?" I intoned 

Shrignold nodded again. "You helped me see that there was more to this life then just following a higher power...-" he cut himself off with a shuddering breath, I gently shushed him and smiled.  "I feel the same way, but you need to rest more..."

Shrignold sighed heavily. "Alright...but you'll stay here with me, right?" He weakly held out his bandaged hand, which I gingerly took in mine. "Of course..."

~small le time skip~

I carried Shrgnold down the stairs bridal style, being carefully not to miss a carpeted step and slip and take him along with me. "Shrignold, are you sure you want to do this?" I asked with concern. Shrgnold rolled his eyes. "For the last time, yes. I'm sure I want to do this..."

Night had fallen, the sparkling of the stars in the sky still blocked by the smoke and what was to come of it for days on end. We reached the bottom of the stairs, and all heads turned to us. The only teachers present were Sketch, Colin, Tony, Brandon, unemployed Brendon, and Gilbert- who was swinging his feet from his current perch on the desk next to Colin. I didn't see any of the cult members, perhaps they posted them up in more of the unused rooms.

BOYS WILL BE BUGS ~ Warren x ShrignoldWhere stories live. Discover now