Chapter 11

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Eddie wakes a few times through the night and every time he did Buck was there quickly, he felt bad Buck wasn't getting any sleep, but then he would shut Eddie down when he tried telling him go home, it was nice to have someone who wanted stay with him even though they weren't getting any proper rest.

He could feel himself getting grouchy as everytime he seemed to nod off the nurse would come and check on him, either checking the gauze or giving him painkillers, all he wanted was to sleep but the soft touch of Buck's hand on his made him calm.

After a long few hours he seemed to get a few hours sleep and woke to daylight but no Buck, his thoughts hit him with worry straight away even though logically he knew there was a reason Buck wasn't there like going to the toilet, or getting food as they both knew how crap the hospital food was.

After a few minutes the nerves get worse and his thoughts went into overdrive, maybe he decided he couldn't do this after all, that if this night of broken sleep was the start how bad would it really get. Eddie knew Buck would need sleep for work as it's a dangerous job to do when you have enough sleep.

Was he cruel making Buck be with him knowing how much lack of sleep and stress it will cause him. Eddie's thoughts stop as the door opens and in comes Buck holding a bag of food and next to him was Chris.

"Morning, I got breakfast and a guest." Buck says his smile drops when he sees Eddie's red face.

"Is dad upset?" Chris asks.

"No bud, just happy to see you, come here mijo." Eddie says and watches as his son walks over.

"Just have to be gentle, ok buddy." Buck says

Buck is closely behind and picks Chris up and sits him on the bed next to Eddie and watches as they hug. Buck places the food on the table and turns it around to move it over the bed.

"Are you all better now?" Chris asks.

Eddie knew they would have to have a proper conversation with Chris about his illness and how tough it was going to be for them all.

"Let's eat first, okay?" Buck says.

They open the cartons of food and Eddie salivates at the food, it smelt amazing and couldn't wait to taste it, the bland food he had last night was not good, plus he knew once he started chemo his appetite would disappear.

"So, what happened to going to school today?" Eddie questions, especially after they had agreed to keep Chris in his routine.

"Well, someone needed to see you for himself to make sure you were ok." Buck replies.

"Ain't that what phones are for?" Eddie responds.

"But dad, then I couldn't give you a hug, like this." Chris chuckles as he hugs his dad, then goes back to eating.

"See better than a phone call, and Abuela will come get him around 11 and take him to school though that may have to change." Buck says with questioning eyes.

Eddie gives a gentle nod and instantly Buck is on his phone sending a message to who only could be Abuela. They continue eating and talking as the food disappears Eddie's nerves rose knowing all too well Chris will ask the question as he wouldn't have forgotten.

"So what did you have to tell me dad? Is it bad?" Chris asks, his box hadn't even been sealed yet before the question came.

"Hey, give your dad some time to finish his food, he's not finished yet." Buck says.

"Oh yeah sorry dad." Chris states and turns to Buck which Eddie gives him a soft smile.

Eddie continues to eat as he watches Chris and Buck pack their food boxes away. Soon Eddie has finished his and the box is put with the others and then shifts a bit so Chris can sit next to him, this was gonna be hard but Buck was there to help.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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