Chapter 3

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Eddie wakes to the sound of the door closing, he looks up into the dark room barely lit by the clock and see's the clock say its 11:05pm. He looks at Chris who is out cold wrapped in Eddies duvet, he is about get up when he hears Bucks voice carry down the hall.

"Eds, you awake?" Buck says.

Eddie does not answer he is still tired so closes his eyes, he wants to talk to Buck but did not fancy staying up the next few hours as he knew Buck would be wanting discus every little detail from today's revelations. So, he slightly moved so his face was tucked slightly under the duvet in case he broke and smiled, he stayed silent and still as the door opened.

"Eddie you awake?" Buck whispers.

Eddie fought his natural instinct to move and waited till he heard Bucks sigh, he heard what sounded like the door open more and the sound of footsteps treading softly across the hard floor, he kept still as he heard Buck round the side Chris was sleeping in.

"Night superman hope you feel better in the morning..." Buck says, and the sound of a kiss could be heard and Eddie mentally smiled.

He listened as Buck started to head out hoping he now could rest once Buck left, but to his shock he heard Buck come up behind him, he fought the urge to move as he felt Bucks lips press against the side of his temple.

"Eddie, I don't know what's up, but I promise I'm here." Buck says and then Eddie listens as the door closes and can hear Buck go into his room, Eddie sits up and rubs where Buck kissed him and smiles.

'Why did he kiss me, what does he think is wrong?' Eddie thinks.

He lays back down as the tiredness is hitting him again, but he smiled as he thought about Bucks lips on his head. Oh, how he wished it were against his lips and that Buck was staying in his bed, he eventually nodded off and managed to fall into a deep sleep.

As Eddie woke his first thought was the pain down below, but as he sat up and looked to where Chris was he was gone and the bowl too. He was about to get out of the bed when he heard voices coming down the hall.

"Shh you will wake him," Chris can be heard saying.

"Ok, but you need whisper quitter." Buck says.

Eddie shakes his head and sits up smiling as the door opens and Chris and Buck are stood there, Buck holding a tray.

"Awww, dad you should be asleep still. We were going surprise you" Chris says clearly disappointed.

"You still surprised me; I was about get up what you got there for me." Eddie asks smiling.

"Breakfast in bed, this one here is feeling loads better and he wanted cook you something as he knows your tired." Buck says giving Eddie the I told you so look.

"Well thank you, and what do I have to eat for breakfast?" Eddie asks.

"Pancakes!" Chris says cheerily.

"Yeah, this one has had three already, so he is definitely better now." Buck chuckles as he places the tray down on Eddies lap.

Eddie looked down at the tray it had 4 pancakes covered in syrup and a cup of coffee. He looked up and smiled at the boys and then slowly started eating, he wasn't particularly feeling hungry, but he forced the food down as Buck and Chris sat there talking about some random subject. Eddie didn't listen in; he just took in the sight in front of him and smiled again as he drunk his coffee. The smile of his son accompanied by the smile of one Evan Buckley.

"So, superman do you and your dad fancy a trip out to the shops in a bit?" Buck asks.

"Ah, some new things I'm guessing?, But it sure would be good to get him out in the fresh air." Eddie says smiling.

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