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Chapter 17 Xiao Mingqiu, hey, here we go!

Rows of potatoes were drying on the platform at the entrance of the cave. Landa used a wooden stick to roll over at regular intervals, and sat down at the entrance of the cave again to weave vines. Lazily, I rolled the potatoes with a wooden stick again.

"Hey! The result is not bad!" Gao Ming came back with a bleat on his shoulders, threw it aside, looked at Landa's fast-moving hands, and stretched out his thumb. "Simply unexpected, little Randa is really smart."

Thirteen days ago, Randa took the two of them to the potato discovery site, not far from their cave entrance, about an hour's walk, but there are indeed abundant resources, bamboo shoots and potatoes, clever Many mushrooms and wild vegetables were also found. Potatoes are potatoes at the end of summer, and they can last for a while, so there is no need to rush to harvest them. Anyway, the whole mountain has been contracted by the three of them. The wild vegetables and mushrooms should be picked, otherwise they will be old, and I heard from Buga that there will be a rain in a few days, and autumn will come after the rain. Gao Ming couldn't believe that autumn came so fast.

The three of them went to the mountains in the morning to pick wild vegetables, mushrooms, and bamboo shoots. After lunch, they arranged the things they picked in the morning and hung them on the stone slabs at the entrance of the cave. Going into the mountains to hunt in the afternoon, Buga is usually the main force, Gao Ming and Landa are responsible for the flank attack, and the results are good, at least they got three bleats and two wild boars at the end of summer. Buga is good at hunting and manual labor, but he is not as good as Landa in tanning leather. For the prey that was caught, Gao Ming was in charge of making bacon at night, while Bu Jia was in charge of tanning the leather.

That night at the end of summer, there was thunder outside the cave, and the sound of thundering rain in the forest was accompanied by a few howling wolves. Gao Ming didn't sleep much all night, and he was making iron tools. The next day, I pushed away the stone at the entrance of the cave and looked at it. I don't know if it was an illusion. Anyway, the leaves of the whole mountain seemed to have turned yellow overnight, and in the next few days, the leaves seemed to be yellowed. The fruit fell heavily under the tree, and the leaves gradually turned yellow...

Gao Ming could see that Bujia was hunting even harder. After the rain, the potatoes in the ground should be dug out quickly, otherwise it will be bad if they are soaked, and the black fruits on the trees should be picked clean. Gao Ming did not forget that this thing can be used as lotus root flour, and it is still possible to satisfy hunger , sweet fruit can be sliced ​​and dried, made into fruit slices, in short they are very busy.

When dried wild vegetables, mushrooms, and fruit slices gradually filled the stone platform where they slept, Gao Ming discovered a problem.

"Is there nothing to put them on?" Gao Ming pointed to the half-occupied stone platform. Recently, he fell asleep in Buga's arms, although he enjoyed it a lot. Pointing to the potatoes piled up in the corner of the cave, Gao Ming felt a bit of a headache, "The cave is too humid. Although potatoes are easy to store, they should be stored in a ventilated and dry environment. Potatoes on the ground should be dried while the sun is still there... "

Gao Ming squatted down, turned over the pile of potatoes a few times, and picked out one hidden in the ground, "It's moldy, this one can't be eaten." Gao Ming threw away the rotten potatoes in his hand, there were still some in the field that hadn't been dug, but If this goes on before winter comes, they will spoil this batch of potatoes first. It would be great if there is a sack or something, dry the potatoes, put them in a well-ventilated sack, and put them in a corner near the entrance of the cave. , It should be fine with a little blowing, but now there is no sack, as long as there is a bamboo basket or something.

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