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Chapter 129 Xiao Ming So You Are Dissatisfied With Desires! !

The lush greenery at the bottom of the mountain is very cool. After thinking it over, Gao Ming felt that he was bitten by a snake once. Savages are just a special case. There are still many good people in this world, such as Bujia, Zhengmao, and Ah Qi with bad teeth... The four of them simply

ate After getting the wild fruit to satisfy our hunger, we continued to go up the mountain. According to Bujia's idea, we will reach Crystal Lake after crossing this mountain and reaching the bottom of the mountain. look.

Arriving at Crystal Lake without any risk, Landa Sado has been tired of seeing Crystal Lake since he saw it. Gao Ming raised his eyebrows. It was an unwise choice to take the two of them to Hongshidi this time. The two of them are tired of getting close whenever they are free. When he got up, Gao Ming felt that he and Bujia had no passion, so he had a little introspection in his heart, and planned to go back and cultivate his interest.

Bujia carefully watched Gao Ming's every move, and stopped Gao Ming if there was something wrong when taking out the crystals. He still remembered that his face turned pale when he took too many crystals last time, and he must not do too much this time.

Gao Ming also knew that this time he took a lot of iron ore, and the key was to use waste, but the crystal stone is different, not to mention the high concentration, but also mixed with lime mud water and the like, even the strongest crystal bricks are very economical, Gao Ming feels With mental strength, once the limit is reached, it will no longer be taken.

Seeing that nothing was wrong, Bujia was relieved, and Gao Ming punched Sado Randa, "Just find a small hole to stay here tonight!"

Landa was drawing Sado's lips with the tip of his tongue, and Gao Ming punched him from behind. , the two were startled, Sado even bit the tip of Landa's tongue, Landa couldn't speak with his tongue wide open, Sado's face was flushed, it could be seen that Landa's tongue hurts, hurry up and blow it, Landa is much better Then he muttered: "Brother Xiaoming definitely did this because he was dissatisfied with his desires!"

Gao Ming raised his fist and snorted, "What are you talking about!" He didn't dare to talk nonsense in front of Landa in the future, this guy has a pretty good memory.

Bu Jia nodded thoughtfully, feeling that there was something wrong with Xiao Ming's journey, maybe it was really dissatisfaction with desire?

The four of them took their things and set off again. When they crossed the high mountain, they saw layers of terraced fields. This was the field of wheat. At this time, the tender green crops in the field would not ripen until June or July. Gao Ming I was a little disappointed and thought that it could be harvested twice a year. This time I cut the wheat and asked Xiaobao how to save the seeds. When I went back, I asked Xiaobao to see where he could plant the land.

Nothing to see, but around the wheat field, I found a kind of dwarf seedling with tender green long strips of melon hanging on it. It was like a small cucumber but looked like a bitter melon. Gao Ming picked one and opened it. The inside was tender green. The meat has a faint fragrance. Gao Ming didn't dare to eat it but there were no living things around him, so he picked a bamboo basket and planned to go back and try it. If he could eat it, he would marinate it. The serving size was larger than before, so Gao Ming simply made a small jar of pickled peppers. The sauerkraut is already tired, so it's time to change it. Pickled peppers and large leafy vegetables and this kind of small melon must be crunchy, spicy and delicious.

"Would you like to visit the previous cave?" Buga asked aloud.

Gao Ming's eyes lit up, and he said, "Is it possible?"

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