When Trica kidnapped Tweek

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"CRAIGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! HELPPPPPPPPP!!!" Tweek screamed. "Stop yelling, Tweek!" Trica scolded. She had locked Tweek in her room to do his makeup while Craig was in the bathroom. Suddenly, they heard the bathroom door open and someone running up the stairs. "CRAIG!! HELP!!" Tweek yelled. "DICKFACE LET TWEEK OUT OF YOUR ROOM!" Craig yelled. "NO, YOUR THE ONE WHO LEFT HIM UNETTENDED!" "KIDS, STOP YELLING! TRICA LET TWEEK OUT OF YOUR ROOM!" Craig's dad yelled from downstairs. Trica was mad, but unlocked the door. Craig was standing outside the door and flipped her off. Trica returned the gesture. Tweek quickly got out of the room and ran into Craig's arm. "Oh thank g-god!" Tweek stuttered. Craig brought Tweek into the bathroom and got a damp paper towel to wipe the makeup off. "T-thanks, Craig" Tweek stuttered. Craig planted a kiss on Tweeks forehead. "No problem, Babe"

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