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 Tweeks POV: 

Today was finally the day. It was finally the day I've been dreading. Today was the day I went to my first therapy session. My anxiety have gotten worse and all of my friends are worried but I really do not want to go. Wendy signed me up but couldn't go with me. My legs were shaking and so were my hands. 

"One mile straight and your at your destination," GPS said in a robotic voice. I jumped a little, I always thought the GPS voice was scary. I continued driving straight until I came to South Park Therapy Center. I pulled into the parking lot and parked my car. I didn't notice while I was driving but I was shaking even more. "Oh god oh god oh god!" I started to panic. I know this was meant to help me but it seemed to make my anxiety worse. I took a deep breath and got out of my car. I walked up to the doors and took yet another deep breath. "Alright.." I was still shaking, but I pushed open the door and walked in. I looked around me. It was not busy at all which was good. "Oh hello! My line is open," A friendly voice said. "Gah!" The voice took me by surprise but I walked over to the line. "H-hi.." I said nervously. "Hello! What can I help you with?" The nice lady said to me with a smile. "O-oh umm.. M-my friend Wendy s-signed me u-up.." I said. "Oh okay! You'll be with Craig Tucker. He's room 302, just down the hall" The lady smiled and pointed to a hallway to my right. "O-okay t-thanks" I said. I walked down the hallway looking at the doors. "300, 301... 302" I thought. I gulped and knocked. I watched the doorknob twist open. "Oh hello. You must be Tweek. I'm Craig," The man said in a monotone but still soft voice. He was quite tall very beautiful raven hair. "H-hi," I said shyly. "Come in, you seem stressed out." He said. I was shaking quite a bit and Craig must have noticed. He sat down in a chair and I sat in the one across from him. "So, tell me. What's happening with you?" He asked calmly. "W-Well, I-I have r-really bad anxiety a-and add". oh god I can't stop stuttering maybe this is good for me' I thought. "I'm very sorry about that, do you have anxiety attacks?" He asked with eye contact. "Y-yeah.." I answered. "How often do you get them?" He asked. "W-well m-maybe like o-once a w-week?" I said unsure. "mmmm...." He said. "Sorry, but I just have to ask.. are you-"


Update message: SO SORRY I HAVENT BEEN POSTING AHHHHH!!! I got my phone token away for staying out too late y'all. Again, I'm really sorry I haven't been updating but school and other things are like engulfing me rn lmao.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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