When Craig Got Drunk

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Nobody's POV:

There Craig was, passed out on the bench at Starks Pond. He had just been at Tolkien's party and texted Tweek he was heading home now, but he was too dizzy and too drunk to get home, so he decided to sit on the bench for a little bit. But he just ended up passing out. 

Tweeks POV:

'GAH! Oh god! WHAT IF HES DEAD?! WHY ISN'T HE HOME YET?!?' I panicked. Craig texted me 2 HOURS AGO saying he was heading home! And he was at Tolkien's house which isn't even 10 minutes away from us! I picked up my phone and texted our group chat, which had Jimmy, Clyde, Tolkien, Craig and I. 

Tweek: "Hey guys where is Craig? Is he still at the party? He said he was heading home 2 hours ago and he's not home!!!" 

Tolkien: "No, Craig left the party. He's not here."

Tweek: "Oh god!!" 

Clyde: "calm down i can help you look for him this party is boring anyway"

Tweek: "Okay, I'll meet you at Tolkien's house"

'Okay. At least Clyde was going to help me find him.' I thought. I sprinted down stairs to grab my coat. I unlocked the door and practically ran the whole way to Tolkien's house. Clyde was standing outside. "Hey dude," He said. "H-hey Clyde" I said out of breath. "Well, Craig was pretty drunk when he left. And he also said he was heading to your place." He explained. 'Craig was drunk?! He never drank!' I thought. "O-okay, so lets start in t-the direction of m-my h-house" I said. I was shaking not only from the cold but because I was so worried. We started to walk down the sidewalk towards my house.  "Did you try texting Craig?" Clyde asks. "Y-yeah.. I texted h-him and tried calling h-him" I said, nervously. "Oh," Clyde said. We continue walking when Clyde stops. "Why did y-you stop?" I ask. "What's that on the bench at the pond?" He asks, walking towards the pond. "Is that... No..." I question. But as I get closer, I realize what it is. "CRAIG!" I gasp. I knew it was Craig because of the hat. I start to run to the bench. Craig was passed out of the bench. "Craig!! Y-you never answered me! W-why are you here? Are you o-okay?!?!" I panic. "Relax Tweek" Clyde says. "I'm sure he's fine, he's probably just drunk. He did drink a lot" He says. "Well what d-do we do?! We c-can't just l-leave him here!" I shout. "Mghmgdf...." Craig groaned. "CRAIG!" I yell. "sptop yelphing.." He mumbles. I put my arms around him. "Why did y-you drink s-so m-much!" I scold. I stood up. He puts his hand on his face. "I can't believe I'm going to do this," Clyde says. He picks Craig up. "Lets go, we have to get him to an actual bed." Clyde says. He starts walking in the direction of my house and I follow. 

Time skip, (7 minutes)

I open the door for Clyde and he walks in. "Where do you want him?" He asks. "Just p-put him i-in my r-room" I say, leading him upstairs. He groans but follows. I open the bedroom door for him and he places Craig on my bed. "You owe me for that." Clyde says. I laugh. "I'm heading back to Tolkien's. Bye dudes" He says, walking out the door. Craig lays motionless. He must have been really drunk I suppose. I head into the bathroom to get a cup of water and Tylenol for when Craig wakes up. I place the water and Tylenol on my nightstand and get into bed with Craig. I lay down next to him. I put a blanket on him and I. I close my eyes and attempt to sleep.

The next morning, Craigs POV:

I woke up in a bed I don't remember going to sleep in. I don't remember what happened last night, but my head hurt and my throat felt like hell. Not to mention my body also ached. I could barely sit up. "mmmmjhhrhsdbnf" I groaned. "Y-your up!" A familiar voice said. "C-craig, why did you drink s-so much! Now y-your hungover!". "Huh?" I said. "Craig! L-last night you w-were p-passed out on the b-bench at Starks p-pond and Clyde had t-to carry you h-home!". I suddenly remember where I am. I was in my boyfriend Tweeks room. "No..." I say. "My head hurts" I groan. Tweek walks over to his nightstand and gives me the glass of water and Tylenol that was there. "Thanks..' I said. I take the Tylenol and place the water back on the nightstand. "Tweek.." I say. "Y-yes Craig?" Tweek says. "I-I'm sorry I drank so much..." I groan. I rub my temples. "Aww Craig" He says walking over to me. He gives me a kiss. "Y-you reek of a-alcohol" He says. He gets in bed next to me. "J-just get r-rest" He says. He puts his arms around me. I close my eyes, I really shouldn't have drank that much yesterday..

Sorry for not posting in a while! I've been running out of ideas!

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