Beach Day

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Craig's POV:

"Holy shit dude- I'm so fucking hot!" Clyde complained while fanning himself with his hand. "Well maybe if you didn't wear that stupid ass jock jacket all the time!" I said. "Well I need the girls to love me. You wouldn't understand because your gay!". "Fuck you" I said, flipping Clyde off. It was the weekend and Tweek, Clyde, and Tolkien where all hanging out at my house. "Why don't we go to the beach or something?" Tolkien suggested. The beach was almost an hour away, but we were all desperate for a place to cool off. "I'll go!" Clyde agreed. "Why not? Will you go, Tweek?" I asked. I pulled the blonde closer to me. "Uhhh... S-sure if your g-going" Tweek responded. I smiled. Only Tweek could get me to smile. "I'm gonna head to my house to grab my towel and shorts" Tolkien said. "I'll do the same. Meet back here in 10 minutes?" Clyde asked. Me, Tolkien and Tweek all nodded in agreement. Clyde and Tolkien starting walking out the door and to their houses. "W-well I'm gonna get m-my stuff t-too" Tweek said, looking a bit nervous. But hey, he always was. "Just stay here, You can use my stuff babe". I kissed Tweek on the forehead and walked to the closet to get 2 beach towels, a tote bag, and some sun screen. "Here," I handed one towel to Tweek while putting the other towel and sunscreen in my bag. "Now, lets see what you can wear...." I looked through his closet, tossing around some different shorts, none of which fit me anymore. I took out a pair of light green swim trunks and a pair of black swim trunks. I handed the green ones to Tweek (obviously) and kept the black pair. "I'm gonna go change, You can change here". Tweek nodded and I went into the bathroom to change. A minute later I came out and knocked on my bedroom door. "You done, Tweek!?" I ask. "GAH! Y-yeah!" Tweek responded. I walked in to see my little blonde boyfriend in my old swim trunks. "You look so cute!" "T-thank you, C-Craig". Tweeks cheeks tinted pink. "Well, I guess now we wait for those 2 bozos to come back." "Y-yeah I g-guess so!"


Working on a part 2 now! Hope you enjoyed part one tho! :)

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