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Will pov
I woke up because I heard footsteps even though I am still tired from the plane ride from England to Arizona "ughhh"I groaned not wanting to wake up but I had too so I got up out of bed and picked out what I will wear to day I picked a grey shirt, a red and black jacket, jeans, and black shoes after I put all of those on I looked back inside the closet to see a Bonnie mask the one that Lewis put on me after kidnapping me, baz, Ryan, and Rhys I have no clue why I kept it but I did anyways for a weird reason I decided to take it with me so I tie it around my forehead and put on the side of my head and after that I leave my room and walk downstairs but no one was there "CHARLIE EURIA"I yell to see if I get a response but I didn't so I peek into the kitchen to see Charlie dragging something outside "weird"I thought once he walked back inside he took a few steps but then he pasted out I immediately run over to him and catch him since he is a little taller than me and it would be hard to pick him up I drag him to his couch and then put him onto the couch then I walked into the kitchen then in the corner of my eye I spotted something red so I kneeled down to get a closer look then I realize it is blood "what the ****" I say quietly to myself then I walk outside to see what Charlie put out there but I didn't find anything so I just walk back inside and make myself breakfast when I finished Charlie woke up "hey Charlie"I say when I see him walk over into the kitchen "oh um hey will"he said sounding sort of nervous but I just brush it off "wait what is with the Bonnie mask"Charlie asked as he sat down next to me "oh um I found it and I decided I would wear it"I say without mentioning the Alton towers incident because I don't want to worry my younger friend "oh okay"he says back and gets up and walks away.

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