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Igor pov
I decided I would head outside for a bit just to get some air because there are a lot more people then I thought there was going to be so once I got outside I saw Charlie "oh hey Charlie"I said as I walk over to him then he tried to punch luckily I dodged "what are you doing Charlie"I ask as he kicked me in the leg and I almost fell but I caught myself then I hit Charlie in the arm but when I did he grabbed my arm and threw me to the ground I tried to get up but he pushed me right back down then started bang my head against the ground everything started to get really blurry "IGOR"I hear someone scream then everything went black.

Bonecage pov
I went outside to check on Igor because it sounded like something was going on then I saw Charlie banging Igor's head into the ground "IGOR"I scream as I start running over to him and Charlie once I got over there Charlie got up and took a few steps back but all cared about at the moment was if Igor was okay so I kneeled down to the ground and grabbed Igor to see if he was breathing and he wasn't tears filled my eyes as try to see if shaking him will make him breathe again then I felt something cut into the back of my neck I looked to see Charlie with a knife but there was something off about him then I realized that his eyes aren't his normal blue color instead one is green and the other is purple then my vision started to get blurry "Charlie you traitor"I said before everything went black.

Virus pov
I watched as bonecage went completely limp and then I grab both bonecage and Igor's body's and drag the two to where I hid Dallin and Euria's body's and put the two next to them I look at the four just laying limp on the ground "nice job virus"someone said "thanks boss"I say quietly but still loud enough so that they can hear me truth is I am horrified of malahare because one they are really big at least as big as D.J music man, two if I don't do what they say they said they will kill my two best friends princess quest and corrupt, and three if I disobey a second time they will kill me so they tell me to do something and I will do it honestly it feels like they are holding a knife to my neck so if I do one thing wrong I'll die.

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