The Lines that Define Me

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The lines that define me, etched deep within,

Are more than just words, they're where I begin.

They tell a story of who I am,

And reveal the depth of my soul's grand plan.

Each line a chapter, a moment in time,

A memory to cherish, a mountain to climb.

From birth to now, each stroke and each curve,

A testament to the life I've deserved.

The lines that define me, they're not just skin deep,

They're the essence of me, the secrets I keep.

They speak of triumphs and moments of strife,

Of love and of loss, and the battle for life.

They show me the path that I've traveled thus far,

The scars that I bear, both the seen and the marred.

They speak of the strength that I have inside,

Of the courage to face every challenge with pride.

The lines that define me, they are a map,

Of the journey I'm on, of the bridges I've crossed.

Each line a reminder of the lessons I've learned,

Of the person I am, and the person I've earned.

So I wear my lines with pride, as a badge of honor, 

For they show the world that I am a survivor. 

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