Oh Shakespeare!

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Oh Shakespeare, the master of verse,

Whose words we recite, for better or worse,

With thee, we shall never be bored,

For every play leaves us wanting more.

Thou hast given us star-crossed lovers,

A moody Dane, and witches that hover,

Thy words are grand, thy wit divine,

And yet, we pretend to understand thy line.

Thou didst introduce us to the soliloquy,

And taught us how to use hyperbole,

We thank thee for thine immortal verse,

Though half the time, we don't know what its worth.

Thy works are studied in every school,

And yet, we still don't know the rules,

We'll recite "to be or not to be",

And hope our teacher gives us a B.

Oh Shakespeare, we mock thee in jest,

But truth to be told, we are all impressed,

For thou hast created a legacy so great,

That four hundred years later, we still debate.

The Lines that Define MeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum