I Chose to Walk Against the Tide.

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Along the shore I walked alone,

The waves crashed in a mournful tone.

The sand was cold beneath my feet,

The sky above was grey and bleak.

The gulls above, they cried and called,

As if to mourn the sea enthralled.

The wind blew through my tousled hair,

A mournful tune beyond compare.

The ocean's vastness seemed to say,

That time and tide wait for no delay.

My thoughts, like waves, came rushing in,

A lifetime of regrets and sins.

The shore was lovely, wild and free,

But I had places I must be,

And dreams to chase, and goals to meet,

And people dear, my heart to keep.

And so I walked with measured pace,

Each step a journey to a new place,

And though the sea lay by my side,

I chose to walk against the tide.

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