Prologue: Lone Wolf

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Location: Azsod Ship-Breaking Yards. Eposz, Reach

Time: 20:00 Hours, August 30, 2552

3rd POV

Noble Six looks on at the ruins of the once beautiful planet Reach as patrols of banshees fly past. She then notices a phantom heading her way.

"Better give them a welcome gift," she thinks to herself.

Six runs off of the platform she was standing on. Preparing to meet the enemy, she takes shelter in a destroyed building to avoid the phantom.

She sees two spirits fly by, no doubt dropping off even more Covenant soldiers to flush out survivors. She walked past a fallen marine as a plasma round flew by her head, missing by only a few inches. She immediately opens fire with her DMR, swiftly killing an elite and four grunts.

Snagging a plasma pistol off one of the dead bodies, she turns and runs for cover, reloading while she's at it. She enters another ruined building and, noticing it's too dark to see in, activates her night vision.

The first thing she sees are the lifeless bodies of four spartans who had obviously chosen this place to make a last stand. She silently fumes in anger, and vows to make sure their deaths weren't in vain.

She exits the building and sees more bodies of marines and ODSTs. She notices a maroon coloured elite nearby. She charges her plasma pistol and fires it at him, breaking his shields. She then finishes him off with the DMR.

The Lone Wolf turns around to deal with three more of the genocidal warriors. Doing the same thing with the elite, and killing the two grunts with a few well placed double taps.

Sprinting up a hill, she shoots another grunt in the head, then watches as a spirit drops off a few elites and multiple grunts. She makes short work of most of them before six more elites join the fight.

Taking fire from all sides, Six sprints for cover and throws a frag grenade behind her. She doesn't stop moving, not even when she runs right into a grunt. Quickly grabbing her magnum from her hip, she shoots the unfortunate creature in the face.

She is still taking fire when she hides behind a broken wall. In the process, her shields fail and she feels plasma burn into the back of her thigh, the impact causing her to stumble.

She fights through the pain and rights herself, before using her DMR to shoot two more grunts and an elite. She then repositions herself to a new location.

"Give me your best shot." The spartan says. She picks her last grenade from her belt and pulls the pin.

Counting to two, she throws it at a group of five elites. The grenade lands in between them and blows up, killing two of them, the others getting badly injured.

Two made the mistake of getting up. She made sure they didn't live long enough to regret their decision.

Noble Six walks up to the fallen elite, and aims her SOCOM at its head.

"Demon. Just... Kill me. Give me an... An honorable death." He pleads with her. "Let me die by your hand, rather than live in shame."

The spartan looks at him for a while, making him squirm a little bit.

After a few minutes of consideration, Six gives her answer.


She then turns and walks away, leaving him to bleed out.

She notices three grunts running away from her, screaming their lungs out.

"IT'S THE DEMON!" One shouts.

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