The Emerald Forest (Part One and Two)

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(A/N): Hello everyone. Welcome to another chapter of NToR series. For anybody still reading this, I would like to thank you. I never thought I would get this much attention. I have also decided to try a different writing style. Anyhow, read and tell me how I did, what I should keep doing, and how I can do better. That's all, enjoy!!

Location: Emerald Forest, Vale

Time: 09:21 Hours, September 4, 80 AGW(After Great War)

Jun's POV

Jun had landed about twenty minutes earlier and was on the hunt for his squad. His progress was painstakingly slow, but he was confident that if he moved with caution, he would be fine. 

Currently, he was walking on a large tree branch, sniper out, scanning the surrounding area when he hears...

"Helloooooooo? Is anyone out there?"

Jun decides to hangs back to observe the newcomer.

He realizes that this is one of the girls that Emile  and Six were hanging out with earlier. Emile would not stop talking about how funny her jokes were, and Six looked absolutely traumatized. That was saying something, seeing as she had her helmet on.

 'What was her name again? Ying? Yellow? Something like that? Oh right, it was Yang!'  Jun thought to himself.

Yang kept walking around, calling out for someone named "Ruby".

"Helloooooooo? I'm getting bored here!!" She calls out again.

Jun hears something rustling in the bushes, and clearly Yang heard it to. She walks up to them to investigate. 

"Ruby, is that you?" Something snarls at her. "Nope."

She rolls to the side as a large bear with spikes jutting out from it's back lunges at her, startling Jun. He almost lost his balance, but righted himself just in time.

The bear charges her, but she evades easily. Another bear joins the fight.

"Why do they always travel in pairs??" Jun groans.

He has flashbacks to when he and Six were attacked by a pair of Gutas on Reach.

He was trapped in a wedge between two trees and a cliff and Six had to bring it down herself. They then double-teamed the last one. It was terrifying for him and Six, though she won't admit it.

The second bear rushes Yang, only to be met with an armored fist and shotgun blast to the stomach. 

The first one attack her next, only to be uppercutted and kicked away for it's efforts.

"You guys wouldn't happen to have seen a girl in a red hood would you?" Yang inquiries. The bears just roar at her in response. 

"You could just say no!" She shouts back.

The first bear, whom Jun had affectionately named Terry, swung it's claws at Yang. She sidesteps the first strike, and does a backflip to dodge the second.

Yang taunts the bear. "Hahaha!! Geez, you two couldn't hit the broad side of a ba-"

She stops talking to look at something. Jun looks with his sniper, and sees a single lock of hair falling to the ground.

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