The Shining Beacon Part One and Two.

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Hi everyone, quick A/N. You may be wondering why I am doing Part 1 and 2 in the same chapter. The reason is because I don't want to write a short chapter. There is no fun in that. Any way, that's all. Enjoy this chapter.  BTW, the necklace is kind of important.

Location: Beacon Academy, Vale

Time: 17:30 Hours, September 3, 80 AGW(After Great War)

Emile's POV

It took Noble Team a whole day to hike up to Beacon Academy from where they were camped out.

When they arrived, they realized they still had two days to kill until initiation, so they spent them getting a layout of the land, or in this case, the school.

They had met with Ozpin, who Kat had thought would look more impressive, and had come to an agreement that while Noble Team would participate in the initiation, they would not be split up. They would become Beacon's first six person team. That is, of course, if they completed the initiation.

Despite all the preparation, when all the students arrived the day before initiation, Emile still didn't know what the hell was going on. He hadn't seen so many children since boot camp on Onyx.

Many of them stopped to stare at him and Jorge, who had joined him when he went on a walk.

"What the hell are they?" One asks.

"I bet those are some of those new Atlas drones!" Another person says.

"You bloody idiot!! Why would there be Atlas drones at Beacon?" A girl says to her companions.

"Yeah, you're probably right." The student admits.

Jorge sighed in anger.

"Why is it that everyone thinks that we are just some damn robot or something?" He asks Emile.

"Probably because we look like robots." Emile replies to his friend. "It's annoying, sure, but we just gotta push through it. Why don't we go try to find a spot in the Auditorium."

Jorge nods, and as they turn to leave, they hear a large explosion nearby.

Emile looks to Jorge, who shakes his head.

"You can go, but I need to make sure that the squad is in one piece."

Emile just nods, and sets off.

When he arrived at the scene, Emile sees a familiar girl in a cloak and hood getting yelled at by a girl wearing so much white that she was painful to look at, even with his helmet on.

'My eyes! Holy shit she's painful to look at.' He thinks.

"This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!" The girl in white shouts at Ruby.

The girl in question was poking her fingers nervously.

"I'm really, really sorry!" Ruby says, looking very embarrassed.

"Ugh! You complete, dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon.?" The girl asks her.

Emile walks up to the pair.

"She's here 'cause she proved herself to be a competent fighter in combat. The real question is why is a princess like you in a school meant to train warriors." Emile retorts, making her widen her eyes in shock. Shock that would turn into anger.

"Why you..."

"It's heiress actually." Someone says from behind Emile.

A girl walks up to them. Emile notices she is wearing a bow over her head..

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