Forgotten God

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It has been over a million years when I finally opened my eyes. I look around seeing my old temple. The temple looks broken and there are vines everywhere. I look down and see a little girl around 3 or 4. She was around 101 centimeters  with red hair and little freckles on her face. She had two pigtails on each side of her head. She had blue overalls and a red T-shirt underneath. She looked at the candy and then her green eyes looked up at the picture of me, standing in front of someone bleeding out, not that you can see the blood; The picture is carved out of stone, holding their side with their head bowed. "I hope you enjoy this mister. You seem lonely here by yourself, " the little girl said with a bright smile. She brought me back after all these years. I shall protect her from danger. After all I'm not the God of protection and Death for no reason. "Sal! Sal! Where are you?" someone from outside yelled. "I'm in here Miss.Kinder!" Sal must be the little girl. Miss.Kinder was a 20 year old with long brown hair, about 162 centimeters . Her hair was in a ponytail. She was wearing a brown dress with brown boots. She had brown eyes.

"Sal you can't be in here. You need to stay with the class"

"I'm sorry. I saw this temple and thought I could see what was inside."

"You can't do that. Come join the rest of the class."

"Alright. Bye bye mister. I will try to visit you."

She is? Not that it will be needed but it makes me happy to see that she would. She is my first follower in over a million years. I'm not leaving her side till I need to.

"Who are you talking to Sal?'

"The man on the walls."

"He's not real."

"How do you know Miss.Kinder?"

"There is no proof he is real."

"Is there proof he is not real?"

Miss.Kinder paused, looking at Sal before sighing.

"Come on Sal, I'm not going to fight you on this. Let's go back with the class and eat lunch."


Not real! Me, not real! I am right here. Sure they can't see me but I'm still here. At least Sal defined me on this. If she tells other as well then she with be a priestess or maybe high priestess. I hope she does.

Miss.Kinder and Sal leave the temple with me following behind. We make it back to the path after a minute or two. There is a group of about 15 kids siting down eating on a blanket. "Sal! Your back! Where have you been?" a little boy runs up to Sal hugging her as Sal hugs back. He has blue jeans and a red T-shirt. He was about 91 centimeters . His hair is a ginger bowl cut. He had blue eyes. "Hi Saper , I found a temple with pictures of a man protecting people." Saper must be the boy's name. They seem to be friends. Sal and Saper sits down on the blanket and eat as I sit in front of them as they eat and talk.

"Ok class, let's head back to the main part of the park." Miss.Kinder called to the class. "Do we have to?" one of the kids complained. "Yes we do. We need to go to the last place before leaving to go back to school on time." Miss.Kinder answered. "Fine," the kid mumbled.

After a few minutes later we were at the park. Everything looks so different from the last time I was here, which isn't surprising, it has been about a million years. "Good to see you guys are back," there was a tour guide with a name tag of Tom. "Yep, we are. What is the last thing we are doing, Tom?" Miss.Kinder asked. "Well we are going to talk about the gods people have found here," Tom answered. Does that mean that Sal will learn about me? Probably not. I might see Paeon. She is the Goodness for health and clothes and my friend. "That's dumb," Miss.Kinder whispered. Tom obviously heard her but ignored her comment. "Well I have the list of who is allowed to come with," Tom stated. "Do you have permission to, Saper ?" Sal askes. "Yep! My parents didn't care if I went. How about you?" Saper wondered. "Yep!" Sal seemed almost scared replying, like she didn't what to think about it. "OK, so the list is Aspen Zivar, Conti Onyz, Darren Stable, Elder Saper, Malich Michael, Rosewood Zella, Smith Lily, and Vanya Sal. You eight come with me. Everyone else follow your teacher," Tom exclaimed. These kids have weird names and Sal's last name is Vanya.

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