Dragon Pirates

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My crew and I rarely get attacked. This isn't because we are the strongest or because we show no mercy or any of the normal pirate stuff. No, we don't get attacked because we have a pet dragon. We have all agreed on calling him Shiny. We call him Shiny because he likes shiny things, we aren't really the best at names.

We found Shiny in our treasury after we departed from an island. He was asleep in one of the chests. He has grown a lot and we all take turns spending the day with him. He sleeps on the bow. Shiny seems to really like berries but he will eat anything. He loves people, so whenever people come on the ship he cuddles up to them. He really is harmless and he will fly around, but he never goes far.

We've started to wonder if he is more like a crow. We think this because he is good at finding shiny things, he likes berries, and he will sometimes bring us gifts from other ships. There was also this one time where someone got onto the ship, attacked us, two years later Shiny saw him, and dropped him in the water.

Today as I left the captain's chamber, I looked around and saw people starting to wake up and do what was needed, Shiny and my crew's kids were playing. I saw a ship coming in our direction. I saw the ship slowly turning to the side to avoid our ship, which is normal as Shiny is quite big now so he can be seen just by looking at our ship. Some of my crew keeps an eye on the ship, while the others are watching the kids with Shiny or are doing what they need to do.

We go about our day as normal. We get to the port off of the Kingdom of Azrael, which is a very deadly place. Most prisoners come here that have ran away and this is the only place no one has been exiled from. I sent some of my crew out so they can get the things that we need. Shiny flies around with two adults and the kids on his back.

After a few hours, I heard screaming. I look up from our shopping list, as I was making sure we have everything we need before leaving, I saw Shiny setting homes on fire. Shiny was being attacked. The crew that was on Shiny managed to get him on the ship so we can start sailing off. I walk over to Shiny to see how he is. I take out the rocks, arrows, and the bullets. I have some help as we make sure that Shiny is safe and can heal properly.

We start heading to the Kingdom of Asa, the Kingdom of healers. We are going to need a few more things if Shiny is injured. We all care about him a lot. He is going to outlive all of us so he can't die now. We are all going to do our best to help him and I will be with him the entire time. I will even sleep, eat, drink, work, everything around him so I know Shiny is safe.

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