Life is a Game?

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I was in a hospital bed when I passed. It wasn't painful or anything. I just closed my eyes and died. My life was average. I had 2 kids with my wonderful wife. I have 5 grandkids. My oldest and only daughter gave me 3 grandkids, 2 granddaughters and 1 grandson. My youngest and only son gave me 2 grandsons. 3 out of the 5 grandkids gave me grant grandkids. They are all wonderful. I believe I had an amazing life. I might have not done much but that's alright with me.

I open my eyes and see a board. There were many other things around me but the board in front of me had my attention. The board says "Try Again?" and has a countdown on it. There is an X in the top right corner. I touch the X and the boar goes into a watch like thing on my wright.

I look around, the biggest thing I see is a billboard that says "Top Score", under it has several names with numbers, wait not numbers, ages next to them.

Wait is life just a big game. I never believed in many theories that life is a simulation, but they seem to be true. Do some people really know about this? Is that why some people are so reckless and don't care? Has this been the truth the whole time? Who knows about this? I have more questions than ever before. I should ask someone.

Looking around more, there are several people that are appearing and seem just as confused as me. Others are disappearing. Everyone is wearing the same white long sleeve shirt with white sweatpants. There are boards to the side. There are three boards, above the boards it says "Personals Score ''. I walk over. The first board has a space for 'Age', 'Kids', and 'Biggest Family Alive'. Next to 'Age' it has 123. That must be how old I have gotten to, which is nowhere near the top ages. Under it says 'Kids', with 25. How did I handle so many? Then 'Biggest Family Alive', 250. That's a lot of people to know.

The second board says 'Last life', Age-102, Kids-2, Family Alive (at biggest)-18, Family Alive (at death)-11. The people alive would be my wife, my kids, my grand kids, and grant grand kids. My wife was an only child and I was the middle kid of three. My older brother died before having kids, and my younger sister had one kid, but her, her kid, and her spouse all died in a car crash. Both my parents in laws died from a heart attack and my mom had brain damage. I don't remember what happened to my dad, I was young when he died.

I look at the last board. On it was the retry button on it. I look down at the watch thing on my wrist and tap the top. The button is in front of me and on the board. Guess if I get lost I can use the watch. I click the X again.

Looking around I see a man that sticks out from the rest. He is wearing the same kind of outfit but it's black. He seems to just be walking around. I walk to him when he notices me and walks to me. We met about half way.

"What is this?"

"Part of life."


"I don't know. I am just in charge for 1,000,000 years."

"So this is all life is?"

"Yep, but you forget about it when you enter a new life."

"Is there anything to do here?"

"I mean you can look at your scores but I think you already did."

"There's nothing else?"

"I don't like your questions."

He clicks on my watch and then the "Try Again?" before I could do anything. I guess if I want answers I will have to remember this, somehow. I can't tell if my eyes are closed or open but everything feels weird. Like everything is being built around me. Then I realize how small I feel. I'm an egg. I have completely restarted. At least now I know we all start as eggs and hope to get fertilized. Wait am I fertilized or do I have to wait for that?

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