Relationship Drama

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I was on vacation to get away from work. I wanted to take a break from work due to the customers that I deal with almost everyday. By vacation I mean staying home and watching Tv. My vacation is three days long. Today is my last day. I get up to head to the store not far from my apartment. When I walked into the store I saw a guy with a woman, both of them were wearing rings. The guy was wearing blue shorts and a white tank top. The woman was in a short black sleeve shirt with a short black skirt. The woman looked upset as the guy was looking around the store. I could mess up their relationship. Why not?

"Baby who's this?" I asked the male.

"I'm his girlfriend and you are?"

"I'm his girlfriend"

"Oh?" She turns around to look at her boyfriend.

"So first you try to sleep with my best friend, then my sister, all while talking to 5 different girls, ignoring me every time I ask you to block them."

"Darling, I promise I don't know her."

"Oh, really and why should I believe you?"

"We are engaged my darling, why would I lie?"

"Because of everything you have done!" She yells at him. She takes off her ring and gives it to him.

"We are done," she storms off leaving the guy in shock, as I turn around and leave.

The next day I walk in to work. I see my work friend, Vanya, she has her dyed red hair up in a ponytail and blue eyes. She was wearing the normal work uniform.

"Hey, Bry! How was your vacation?"

"It was good, for the most part at least."

"What about the rest?"

"Well, I got a little bored."

"Did you do anything about that?"

"Not really."

"Of course you didn't."

"I ended a four year relationship on my vacation."

"I'm sorry!"

"It wasn't mine, I haven't been in a relationship ever"

"Who's relationship did you break?"

"I don't know, a random couple in the store. "

"Wait, how did you know it was four years then?"

"They told me."


"I pretended that I was dating the guy and the girl said it in her rant on how their relationship was going, which by the sound of it was not good. "

"How so?"

"He was talking to like 5 girls, she asked him to block them and he didn't. Also, he tried to sleep with her friend and sister. "

"Why didn't they break up earlier?"

"Don't know."

"Did you know it was a bad relationship or did you mess it up because you could?"

"I mess it up because I could."

"Of course. You have issues"

"I know."

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