A Lycanthrope Courting a Vegan

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About a week ago I found, who at the time I thought was a man, on the side of the road, with his clothes' completely destroyed and mattered with dark brown hair. I put him in my car, not seeing his wolf-like ears and tail. When I got home he was half awake, I brought him in and had him shower, or when I put him in the tub, had him undress himself to the best of his ability, I got the rest off, and bathed him. When I got him out I saw his ears and tail but ignored it. I bandaged his wounds and had him sleep on my bed. The next day I tried to feed him but that is when he told me he is a Lycanthrope, or more commonly known as a werewolf. I had to go out and get meat, I had to get the meat because I am a vegan, so I don't own meat.

After about a week he was healed. In that week we got to know each other very well. His name is Tarak, he has earth brown eyes and is 24, not much older then me. I am 20. It turns out Lycanthrope are like human but when in their wolf form they, well are more like dogs than human, and in their human form the only different form human and Lycanthrope are the ears, tail and they have stronger senses and are a little stronger than the average human, but other then that they're the same as humans.

When Tarak had healed, he stayed the night and I thought he went home. When I had got back home from work, at the nearby café, I saw Tarak standing there with potatoes both in his hands and some were on the floor. When he sees me his ear go up and his tail starts wagging a little.

"What is with the potatoes?"

"There for you!" He has a huge smile on his face and his tail wagging.


"Well normal when we Lycanthrope when we want to court someone, normal another Lycanthrope, we get them meat, but you don't eat meat, so I got you potatoes."

"How did you get them?"

"I hunted them!" Tarak looks so proud of himself.

I let out a small sigh. I wouldn't say anything else, he seems very happy with what he did. I walk over to him. He stretches his arms to give me the potatoes in his hands but most of them fall. I take the ones in his hands "Thank you, Tarak."

"This means you like my gift, right?"

"Yes, I do, but I am going to need help putting these in the kitchen."

Tarak picks up most of the potatoes and takes them to the kitchen. I walk to the kitchen. On the counter next to the sink is where all the potatoes so far. I put down the potatoes in my hands.

"All done!"

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Amy." His tail has slowed down.

"Let's go to the living room."

I walked to the living room with Tarak behind me. We both sit on the couch.

"What do you mean by courting?"

"It's tradition for Lycanthrope to basically give and do favors for someone we want to, well as humans say, get married to."

"Why me?"

"Because you took care of me." I look at Tarak, ears have gone back to their resting position and his tail is wagging slowly.

"How long will this process last?"

"Until you agree to be mine."

"And being your means?"

"We will live together, I will get you things, take care of you, and hopefully have kids. Of course if you don't want kids that's fine."

"I will need time to think about this."

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