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Takashi grabbed the naginata and looked at it.

"I don't need this, but Don does. Time to go."

Takashi put the naginata away, and covered his body in the brown cloak, then he heard something.

Takashi stood up straight.

Looks like little miss is back.

Then a ninja star flew at him, Bartley cutting his cheek and stuck into the wall.

Miss appeared from the shadows.

"So you are the real Takashi, not the other guy."

Takashi had a straight face.

"We are Takashi, soon Don will be me. I will be reborn from the ashes."

Miss smiled, then got in a fighting possion, having kunai's in her hands.

"Tuhibbīn an tarqusī?" translation: Would you like to dance with me?

Takashi didn't say or do anything, just starred at Miss, keeping his body covered in the cloak.

Miss ran full speed at Takashi and threw a kunai at his heart.


Takashi's heart stopped and the kunai went right through him, then his heart was beating again.

Miss stopped and stood there in horror.

Takashi shook his head.

"Did your mother ever tell you that you can't hit a ghost, but a ghost can hit you."

Miss had anger rising in her.

"Foot attack!"

Robot Foot soilders ran out of their hiding places, surrounding Takashi.

"Fine missey,"Takashi took the cloak off,"I'll dance,"Takashi's hands became black claws,"with you."

The Foot charged, weapons aimed at Takashi's heart.

Then Takashi made his heart stop, and the weapons went threw him, into a robot Foot soilders, making every single one fall.

Takashi walked through the bodies towards Miss.

Miss threw her kunai's but they just went through Takashi.

She backed up into the wall, looking into Takashi's red eyes.

Takashi's heart started to beating again when he was and inch away from Miss.

"Takashi, what will you do exactly when, you know."

Takashi smiled.

"Shut up. I need you to give Jim a message."

Miss relaxed a bit.


"That if he continues to hunt me, I will slice Misses throat."

Miss tenst up again.

"Why me?"

Takashi giggled.

"Well aren't you his girlfriend."

Miss started to sweat.

"You are. So I was correct."

Takshi grabbed Misses arm, pushing his claws into her weak body, making warm blood flow out slow.

A tear feel down her face.

"Now Miss, go tell him."

Takashi letted going and took five steps back, letting Miss run off into the dark.

"Hmm, Algeria sounds good."

But Takashi sat down and starred out the window, waiting for day.

Miss, more like mess.

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